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Wear Scriptures: New Christian Clothing Brand Encourages Christians to be a Voice for the Gospel


Wear Scriptures is a new Christian Clothing brand whose mission is to create designs for clothing and accessories that encourage Christians to be a voice for the gospel. For decades the church was a place where people looked for spiritual truth and answers to morality.

However, we are now living in a Post Christian era. Many are doing what is right in their own eyes. Christianity is looked down upon by many and is labeled as unprogressive, biased and intolerant. The church is facing hostility from the culture whenever it stands up for the sanctity of life or for God's truth on morality and marriage.

There is a suppressive culture of political correctness. The culture seeks to remove our voices from the public square. We are facing a spiritual crisis.

However, God's Word is still the Final Authority. The Bible says, "All flesh is as grass, the grass withers, the flowers fail, but the Word of our God, stands forever."


Wear Scriptures is calling for Christian to be bold and courageous, to stand up for righteousness and God's Word, and to fulfill the Great Commission. Be a Voice for the Gospel. Wear Scriptures!

Please visit wearscriptures.com and subscribe to our email list and newsletter and receive a discount which can be used at any time towards your purchase.

Wear Scriptures, LLC is a Kingdom business consecrated to God, to bring honor and glory to His name. The business is dedicated to spreading the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ with Christian clothing and accessories.