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What does the Bible say about a Cashless Society?

By Lear Capital

Did you know that there is only enough physical currency for every person in the U.S. to have $2.50 in their possession? That’s less than half the price of a typical cup of coffee. This stark reality suggests that the long-anticipated—and dreaded—wait for a cashless society is here.

In a cashless society, digital currency poses several concerns. First, it is easy for politicians and bureaucrats to create digital blips from thin air. After all, digital currency is nothing but thin air! Second, this, in turn, throws fiscal responsibility and government restraint out the window. Last, these digital ledgers are used as vessels of manipulation. In the battle between control versus personal autonomy, paper changing hands is a crucial expression of freedom.

Are you concerned about the implications of a cashless society for you and your savings? Here is why you should be.

Digital Currencies Erode your Financial Privacy

Cash is disappearing.

According to USDEBTCLOCK.ORG, the amount of physical cash has decreased by 76% since the year 2000, falling from $3.55 billion to just $840 million today. Meanwhile, our GDP has spiked from $9.4 trillion to $26 trillion.

Forget the GOLD standard—we don’t even have a PAPER standard anymore. Politicians, bureaucrats, and financial institutions are destroying our currency. Think about the services you utilize for transactions where money never once exchanges hands: Apple Pay, Venmo, Zelle, Google Pay, Cash App, PayPal, Stripe, debit cards, gift cards and even direct deposit. These systems relentlessly track your activities, rendering your right to privacy null and void. In fact, people who highly value their privacy rights and minimize their use of or entirely avoid digital currencies are often viewed with suspicion.

Three Red Flags to Consider

Digital currencies are not about mere convenience. They are the gateway to control. Here’s what they want next:

  1. Microchip Implants. Today, you can wave your chipped credit card in front of a payment scanner. 
    Soon, “contactless payments” will happen via a chip implanted directly in your hand. How convenient … right?
  2. Biometric Data. Does implanted chip currency freak you out? Not a problem! Amazon One links your unique palm print to your payment information. This technology is a sign of the times that is already being used at several Whole Foods locations.

    Don’t be fooled. These new digital currency technologies are adopted for convenience, but they soon evolve to widespread dependence that are ready to be weaponized for authoritarian control.
  3. Central Bank Digital Currencies. Sometimes referred to as “programmable digital currencies,” CBDCs can be programmed to only permit purchases of certain approved items. Sound terrifying? It should. CBDCs may also have expiration dates, and accounts can be restricted with the same ease as disabling a social media account. Imagine losing access to your digital currency and facing a customer service nightmare similar to recovering a hacked Facebook profile.

Safeguard your Wealth: The Privacy Benefits of Gold and Silver

Gold and silver may be privacy’s last safe haven because precious metals cannot be printed into oblivion or arbitrarily canceled. Buying gold and silver is essential as they are not just tangible and rare—they are fair and honest. Gold is God’s money. It is mentioned many times in the Bible as a store of wealth and a symbol of value and beauty. God also warns us repeatedly in the Bible to use honest weights and measures.

Just look for yourself.

Deuteronomy 25:15-16: You must maintain accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. For everyone who behaves dishonestly in regard to these things is detestable to the LORD your God.

Proverbs 11:1: Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, but an accurate weight is His delight.

Every time a king clipped coins, they tested God's patience. Every time a treasury mixes more tin into their silver, they test God's patience. Every time a government creates money and debt out of thin air, they test God's patience. God has good and practical reasons for instructing His people to use honest weights and measures. We are currently experiencing the consequences of ignoring this guidance: inflation and the loss of trust in our monetary system.

Protect what’s left of your savings.

Don’t let these destructive forces steal your future. Safeguard your savings and stay ahead of the move to a cashless society with the money God Himself declared valuable in Scripture.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start protecting yourself, your legacy, and your family’s financial stability today.


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