Is morality relative?
The implications of naturalism are truly horrifying. It represents the complete dissolution of all objective meaning, value, purpose, and morality.
The Christian Post
Skip to main contentThe implications of naturalism are truly horrifying. It represents the complete dissolution of all objective meaning, value, purpose, and morality.
Florida voters should stand firmly against Amendment 4 to uphold the sanctity of life.
Silently, relentlessly, the notion that atheism was no longer an option I could live with pressed itself into my thoughts.
Getting this question right is critical and, even though they don’t believe, some atheists acknowledge the weight of the issue and understand it’s worth exploring.
We believe that the Bible Belt remains a steadfast harbinger of Good News in a culture that has become unimaginably unrecognizable by the traditional Western heritage of philosophy and theology.
Is there a correlation between reading the Scriptures and human flourishing?
I believe there are consequences for the growing cultural trends that seek to make God irrelevant while exploiting His common grace.