Deconstructing Christian faith is almost always emotional
What is the point of deconstructing something? Is it to dissect and segment its parts for separate evaluation?
The Christian Post
Skip to main contentWhat is the point of deconstructing something? Is it to dissect and segment its parts for separate evaluation?
Will we need Jesus if we technologically achieve immortality?
Let us divert the streams of billions of years and march with God’s help into Babylon to end the partying of proud scientists drinking the wine of evolution from stolen Christian goblets.
To say that authentic Christians hate or fear homosexuals or the trans community demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of Christianity.
This hatred of God is not a recent phenomenon.
A parental advocacy group has unveiled documents relating to a "Gender Support Process and Plan" being implemented by an Illinois boarding school that encourages staff to keep a student's social gender transition a secret from parents or guardians.
Is our faith simply blind allegiance to what we cannot know?