'Assassin's Creed: Origins' News: Latest Update Prepares Game for Upcoming 'The Hidden Ones' Expansion
Apart from the usual improvements and fixes, the latest patch for "Assassin's Creed: Origins" will prepare the game for the upcoming expansion called "The Hidden Ones."
The said expansion support can be found along with other contents and fixes in patch 1.2.0 that is now available for several platforms.
"The Hidden Ones" is going to be the first post-launch downloadable content to arrive for "Assassin's Creed: Origins." The added support for "The Hidden Ones" also raises the level cap to 45.
Based on recently revealed details about the first expansion, it is going to be story-driven and will let players see how the Brotherhood expanded in a timeline that happened four years after the events in the base game.
Patch 1.2.0 also brought a new quest called "Incoming Threat." While this side mission comes free for all "Assassin's Creed: Origins" players, its story is treated as an opening to "The Hidden Ones" and can now be played even before the release of the first full DLC.
Another highlight of patch 1.2.0 is the update made on the Heka Chest with the addition of all new contents from the Nightmare, First Civilization, Gladiator, Wacky, and Almighty packs that were originally available in the in-game store.
Other new features have been added to the game as well, including the option to re-sell outfits acquired from the Weaver shops. Players can also now see the Sinai and the Valley of Kings regions through the new Atlas view option found on the World Map menu. In addition, developers have added a toggle on the Gear menu to view the players' available inventory items.
Ubisoft has also added a list of game fixes in the patch that includes a solution for a glitch that freezes the game after tabs on PC systems running on Windows 7 are minimized. A reported bug that lets playable characters continue speaking even when they die has also been resolved.
To install patch 1.2.0, players will need 3 GB of available space on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, 2.6 GB on Uplay, and 1.2 GB on Steam.