'Avengers: Infinity War' Plot News: Thor Feeling Left Out on Film's Set
"Avengers: Infinity War" will be the film where all the Avengers will once again fight as one, or at least that's what Thor (Chris Hemsworth) wants. After being left out of "Captain America: Civil War" and currently busy saving Asgard in "Thor: Ragnarok," the God of Thunder is worried he might be left out once more.
Hemsworth revealed that he is not only bitter about being left out of the Avengers' last get-together, but he is also getting the feeling that he will be ditched once again. And to make sure his sentiments are heard, he uploaded a short video on Instagram.
In the video, Thor "stumbles" upon a mock-up of a fight scene the directors, Joe and Anthony Russo, made out of action figures. Poking fun at the costume worn by Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), he notices that he is missing from the lineup.
Doing what any sane God do in this situation, he grabs Mjolnir and smashes the set piece, well, to pieces. At least now, the Russo brothers know what would happen if Thor isn't included in "Avengers: Infinity War."
Following the events of "Age of Ultron," Thor is currently looking for a way to prevent the vision Scarlet Witch gave him from coming true. So, while his buddies were slugging it out in "Civil War," he was busy with his business in Asgard.
So far, the chronology for "Thor: Ragnarok" has yet to be revealed. It is possible that it happens at the same time as "Captain America: Civil War" which could explain why the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) was also unable to participate. This would give Thor enough time to join the party when Thanos (Josh Brolin) arrives to retrieve the Mind Stone.
And speaking of the Hulk, the Russo brothers also better include Ruffalo in this latest flick. Because when the man goes green, smashing mock-up set pieces will be the least of their worries. Thankfully, they seem to understand the consequences of leaving out the Hulk.
"Thor: Ragnarok" will hit theaters on Nov. 3, while "Avengers: Infinity War" is set to be released on May 4, 2018.