'Bayonetta' Sequel Coming to Nintendo Switch; Platinum Games in Discussion for Third Installment
A sequel to SEGA's hit 2010 title "Bayonetta" could be arriving to the Nintendo Switch pretty soon. This is after Platinum Games teased images of the titular witch following the opening of its Japanese language Twitter account.
The image featured the titular character's appearance in the first and second installment of the game. Each of the image had a background which matched the red and blue color scheme of the Switch Joy-Cons.
Of course, the red and blue were also the color schemes of the games' boxarts which could mean that the game coming to the Switch is being a little too optimistic. However, the Twitter page later posted another image featuring characters from Wii U exclusive "The Wonderful 101" playing the console using Joy-Cons.
This could be another hint that the game will also be ported along with "Bayonetta." After all, Nintendo had a hand in publishing both games to the Wii U and releasing them on the Switch would be the next logical step.
The company already announced that they are looking to increase their third-party game releases for the handheld at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. While the aforementioned Platinum Games titles are by no means new, they were among the most popular games at the time of their release.
There is also a possibility that the games will get a sequel made exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. If that is the case, this will be a cause for celebration indeed.
Platinum is already in discussion regarding a third installment of the "Bayonetta" franchise and could possibly be teasing fans using the image. There are also talks of a new Intellectual Property with a new director. Still, for those aching for another go at the hack and slash full of sexual innuendos, the title has recently been ported to PC via Steam.