Brown Recluse Named Most Dangerous Spider for Flesh-Rotting Bite
After a recent report about a young woman nearly being blinded by a bite from the Brown Recluse spider, experts are now considering it as the most dangerous spider to humans.
The Brown Recluse spider is found in warm arid climates and is even more dangerous than the widely-known Black Widow. This is due not only to how poisonous it is but because of the way its venom affects human tissue.
A single bite from the brown recluse spider can cause necrosis, blindness, paralysis and even death and this is why experts are warning people to avoid contact with the spider.
Necrosis is the premature rotting and death of cells in living tissue caused by infection and toxins that enter the body. It is a serious condition because the diseased cells do not send any chemical signals to the immune system.
This leads to the prevention of new cells getting rid of the dead cells, which prevents the body from continuing to heal the wound. The dead cells continue to build-up around the infected area and it is usually only treatable through surgery.
Experts explain that bites from the brown recluse spider can be extremely painful and the bite wound could take up to several months before it completely heals. Side effects from a bite typically include dizziness, fever and muscle soreness.
Few deaths were reported as a result of getting bitten- mostly children and elderly individuals.
A study by graduate student Erin Saupe of University of Kansas studied the migratory patterns of the spider. Saupe has predicted that the brown recluse spider is slowly spreading across large areas of the U.S.
Using computer models, her research has led her to claim that by 2020, the trend for the possible migration of these spiders has it entering new ecosystems in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and New York.