Essential Phone News: Underwhelming Sales May Teach Andy Rubin a Few Lessons
The competition in the smartphone market is more intense than ever. Tech giants are working hard to get ahead of Apple and Samsung. It is a hit and miss mission, and recent reports have revealed that Essential Products falls in the latter category. While the Essential Phone features the near bezel-less aesthetic that consumers look for nowadays, research says that it has managed to sell an estimated 5,000 devices since it was released earlier this month.
According to FierceWireless, the numbers were based on BayStreet Research, which tracks gadgets shipped all over the U.S. Considering Essential is owned by Android found Andy Rubin, there were a lot of expectations for the Essential Phone.With a price tag of $699, the smartphone was meant to compete directly with Samsung's latest Galaxy S8 Apple's iPhone 8. However, it seems that it fell short along the way. The company has not responded to any requests for comment regarding the issue.
With a price tag of $699, the smartphone was meant to compete directly with Samsung's latest Galaxy S8 Apple's iPhone 8. However, it seems that it fell short along the way. The company has not responded to any requests for comment regarding the issue.
WCCFTECH reports that the Essential Phone lacked a few major things that Apple and Samsung offer. Even though it was lauded for its top of the line internals, design, and aesthetics, the Essential Phone's software could not keep up with the performance of the current market's top smartphones.Rubin has previously claimed that it will offer a stock experience of the original Android. However, it seems that the company has a lot more to do as the software proved to be difficult to use due to its system's bugs.
Rubin has previously claimed that it will offer a stock experience of the original Android. However, it seems that the company has a lot more to do as the software proved to be difficult to use due to its system's bugs.
Furthermore, the Essential Phone was not offered with an incentive. Whereas Apple and Samsung include an impressive range of freebies for their flagship products, Essential's device did not give consumers a reason to consider it during their purchase. Given the $699 price tag, the market found it to be disappointing and too expensive.
Fans are hoping that Rubin has learned a lot from the experience. The Essential Phone was not all that bad. However, fans are looking forward to a smartphone that can represent Rubin as the Android founder that he is.