
'Final Fantasy 7 Remake' News: Art Director Shintaro Takai Hints at More Detailed Enemies and Magic Spells Being Featured

Enemy animations will hint at their specific traits and abilities

It's not any kind of big revelation that the "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" will look better than the original, but the developers are aiming to do more than just make the game appear that it belongs in this current generation.

During a recent interview with CGWorld, the upcoming game's art and VFX director Shintaro Takai talked about how they are going to improve the remake in terms of visual effects.

The folks at DualShockers provided translations of Takai's revelations.

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First off, Takai shared that he has adopted a new mindset when it comes to including visual effects. Previously, Takai admitted that there were some visual effects featured in the game that were added just for the sake of making certain enemies look cooler. They were superfluous visual effects and offered little value.

Moving forward, Takai revealed that they will not be doing that anymore.

Instead, players can expect that the visual effects that will accompany certain enemies inside the remake are there for a reason. If smoke is billowing out of an enemy, then that's because that particular foe should be producing smoke.

It will be interesting to see how that concept will be presented in the game. For instance, one famously motorized foe featured in the original is the Motor Ball. Given how high-octane that boss is, it will likely produce plenty of smoke while players are fighting it.

Visual effects could also provide players with clues regarding how they should approach certain enemies, as they may hint at specific elemental affinities and weaknesses.

Going back to the interview, Takai revealed that they also want to attach greater meaning to the visual effects that show up onscreen whenever players cast certain magic spells.

The example Takai mentioned is the Cure spell. Previously, when players used this spell, that would lead to some elements showing up onscreen that indicated that a character's health has been restored. While those visual effects did convey the message of what was going on pretty well, Takai indicated that they want to do something more detailed.

It will be interesting to see if the developers of the "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" will also work on creating more detailed animations for the different Summons expected to be included in the game.

For those who want to see more of how the visual effects are going to be improved in the remake, they can check out the video embedded below.