Free EA Games Released at PSX 2014, 'Sim City 2000' for Free
In celebration of the PlayStation's 20th year, Electronic Arts released free games during the PlayStation Experience held in Nevada from Dec. 6 to Dec. 8.
The free games released over the weekend include "Need for Speed Most Wanted" for the PlayStation Vita, "Mirror's Edge" for the PlayStation 3 and "Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare" for the PlayStation 4. The games were available both at the event and at the PlayStation store for the duration of the weekend.
"Mirror's Edge" was not an unexpected free offering, considering the game was originally released back in 2008.
"Need for Speed Most Wanted" is a slightly more recent game after it was released in 2012, while the "Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare" might have been more in demand because of its popularity.
For those who were unable to get the new games over the weekend though, they can look to another free EA offering, the 1994 city-building game "SimCity 2000."
"SimCity 2000," which is usually available for $6, is available as a free download for all Origin users as part of their "On The House" promo, a freebie where EA publishers often gave away free PC games. Some of their offerings in the past include "Dead Space" and "Plants Vs. Zombies."
Players will need an Origin account to take advantage of the promo though, and add it to their Origin library.
"SimCity 2000" will be free for a certain amount of time, though it was not announced for how long. It could last a month though, as previous On the House games were offered for free for a whole month.
Game Time, another free game promo for Origin users , is also shelling out great games for a limited time, such as "Titanfall" for two days, "Battlefield 7" for seven days and "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning" for two days.