INAX 'Satis' is the World's First Ever Android Controlled Toilet
The world's first ever Android powered toilet is now available.
The INAX "Satis" is a fully featured toilet that is compatible with an Android application called "My Satis" that allows users to perform tasks with it using their smartphone.
The toilet comes fully equipped with speakers for the bathroom-goers listening pleasure, a built-in bidet, and a powered lid.
The application is used to control the lid, moving it up and down. It also controls the bidet, monitors energy and water consumption. It connects to the bowl using Bluetooth. Along with controlling all the toilet's functions, the app can also establish a diary of activity in order to monitor the user's health.
Another interesting feature on the Satis is its ability to flush without the use of a traditional tank. It utilizes a Direct Vortex Flush System that allows INAX to deliver a toilet that is more compact than many of the other ones currently found in the market. It can also be set to automatic mode so the seat will lift up without the user touching it.
INAX is a company that produces toilet bowls which have some interesting features including heated seats, a head that sprays warm water, and a warm air blower to help users dry off.
It is no surprise that the company has finally developed a toilet that can be manipulated with an Android application. However, it will probably be a while before something like the Satis is affordable for most people's homes.
The INAX toilet is available in two different models including a dual flush version for $5,686 and a Economy Type dual flush model for $4,212.
It also has a remote control stand accessory available for it that sells for $595.00. The drain socket for the Satis costs $60.