Instagram Releases New Update That Shows Users' Activity Status
Recent reports have revealed that social media giant Instagram has rolled out new features for their app which allows users know when others were last effective. The feature is reminiscent of Facebook's Messenger and Snapchat. Further reports also indicate how to turn it off.
According to reports, Instagram made no announcement of the new feature but the latest update for Android and iOS indicate that they have indeed added a new line of code that displays when users were last active to interested followers. To see it, they will only have to go to the direct messaging screen. The users will be able to see when the people they follow or chatted with were last active. Further clarification also revealed that only the people that the users have followed or previously messaged will be able to see when was the last time they were active on Instagram.
Considering the alarming nature of the new update, further reports have taken the initiative to educate fans on how to turn off the new feature. For those interested, they will have to select edit profile. In that screen, there will be a toggle for Show Activity Status, which users can turn off. The new feature is turned on by default so fans will have to manually access it. It would be worth noting that turning off the feature will also remove everyone else's activity status from the user's eyes while also protecting them from being ratted out by Instagram.
Although there was no official announcement from Instagram, fans are expecting a statement to be released sometime in the near future. Critics have also indicated that it is possible that the social media giant may be testing the feature out to receive feedback. Regardless, more announcements are expected in the coming weeks. In the meantime, fans will have to make do with the new feature.