Kim Kardashian, Fidget Spinners: Reality TV Star Releases Own Spin Toy Craze for Dads
Kim Kardashian joins the fidget spinner craze as the reality TV star announced the release of her own product. She calls this the Daddy Money Fidget Spinner, which comes in a gold dollar design with the word "daddy" inscribed on it.
Kardashian posted her newest merchandise on her online store and via her social media accounts. The Daddy Money Fidget Spinner, which she unveiled just before Father's Day, cost $15 and ships for $4 to the U.S. within one week.
The fidget spinner craze has been sweeping America of late and there are many variants, designs and features. Some even reportedly spin in synch with music from Kardashian's husband, Kanye West, and other music artists. There's even a fidget spinner app available for free at iTunes.
Catherine Hettinger, 60, created the fidget spinner over two decades ago, as per Time. But the patent expired in 2005, which is why different companies could already produce their own or make redesigns today, such as Kardashian.
Hettinger originally intended this as a toy for calming children and adults with attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder. She brought them to toy fairs as well as approached toy companies in order to sell her invention. Hasbro rejected her 20 years ago, but the company is now selling its own line as well.
Despite missing out on potential revenues from her invention from the likes of Kardashian and Hasbro, Hettinger is excited for the fidget spinner's growing popularity today and said she didn't create the toy for money. "When you start seeing these things flying off the shelf at your local 7-11, you know things are heating up," she said. Trend spotters, however, said that the popularity of fidget spinners has peaked and could soon fade out.