'Pirates of the Caribbean' Plot: Franchise Returning to Its Roots
Exciting news about the upcoming installment of the "Pirate of the Caribbean" franchise have been revealed.
After years of waiting, fans will soon witness another adventure of the notorious Captain Jack Sparrow in the upcoming "Pirates of the Caribbean 5." The highly anticipated film is expected to delve deeper into the roots of the original "Pirates of the Caribbean" installment.
In addition to Johnny Depp's return as Captain Jack Sparrow, it was reported that Orlando Bloom could also be reprising his role in the franchise. According to IGN, Bloom was able to talk about the upcoming film. He stated, "I'm not entirely sure that [I'll be back] just yet, but there are talks. Basically they want to reboot the whole franchise, I think, and do something with me and the relationship with my son."
However, fans know that his character will be boasting a different role, which means fans can expect a change in his lifestyle. Bloom also added, "I'm of course Davey Jones now, so I'm down the bottom of the ocean. It might be kind of fun to do something where I'm rumbling round the bottom of the ocean, because I won't look anything like me. [Gestures to face] Get all gnarly."
A new face will be joining the franchise, as reported by Movie Pilot. It was reported that Kaya Scodelario will be taking on a new character in the upcoming installment. She also hinted at the producer's upcoming plans for the series, at which she expressed her excitement. She said, "The producers want to take it back to the beginning again! They wanted it to have this epic journey and for it to make sense, for it to tie things up, and also lead to new story lines."
"Pirates of the Caribbean 5" is expected to released around July 2017.