'Scandal' Season 5 Episode 5 Spoilers: Fitz Faces Impeachment
If Fitz and Olivia thought that pursuing their forbidden affair is an easy thing to do, then they are entirely wrong. Fans may remember the ordeal that the president and the former crisis manager have to undergo in the previous episode of ABC's hit political drama TV series "Scandal" Season 5.
One of the many hurdles that the unlikely couple had to overcome in the last episode was the horde of reporters watching over them, observing their every move like hawks. Not to mention the pressure that Fitz and Olivia has to deal with from the inside.
These situations are about to get even more mind-numbing for the two as the show moves forward this week with an episode that will see Fitz facing an impeachment trial.
Mellie, the First Lady, was able to pull the strings of the other female senators to convince them that Fitz should be evicted from the White House.
The teaser clip for the segment titled "You Got Served" (via LatinPost.com) showed the POTUS in a panicked state as he fears the possibility that he'd be impeached from office.
"I have done nothing wrong, and I certainly haven't committed any impeachable offences," a tensed Fitz almost shouts at a Washington attorney who informs him of the case.
"This isn't a normal trial, Mr. President. It's a political trial. Congress is prosecutor and judge and jury. They decide what an impeachable offense is and they decide if you've committed one. If you survive these hearings you're still president. If you don't, you're not," Rosen told the Commander-In-Chief.
And just as the lawyer is about to leave, he dropped another piece of advice for Fitz, that he should not contact Olivia Pope about this.
Rosen pointed out that "obstruction of justice, perjury, witness tampering" are the kind of offences that won't just cost Fitz his seat in the government but would also land him in jail.
Find out how these things unfold when "Scandal" Season 5 Episode 5 airs this Thursday, Oct. 22 on ABC.