What Will Ronaldo Foreshadow Next As 'Steven Universe' Season 4 Airs This Week?
"Steven Universe" season 4 will return this week with an episode that focuses on Ronaldo, which has fans excited for another possible foreshadowing of an important happening.
Ronaldo has foretold some huge events and information throughout the show. This is why in episode 18, "Rocknaldo," he is expected to see the character do the same.
"Steven Universe" season 4, episode 18 will follow Ronaldo as he gathers all the rock people in Beach City. It is believed that this quest will result in some pretty exciting interactions between characters, perhaps between him and Peridot, which could result in a barrel of laughs knowing the personality of these two.
According to YouTuber Slice of Otaku, this episode might see Ronaldo make a realization that his investigation should focus on Steven since the rock people he is looking for are all connected to him.
Whatever Ronaldo has in mind, fans expect that by the end of "Steven Universe" season 4, episode 18, he will spill the beans on a possible event happening in the future.
However, as fans know by now, Ronaldo does not have a perfect track record on such. He could either be so wrong or insanely accurate. Either way, fans are excited to see what he has to reveal this time.
Slice of Otaku also brought to the table another interesting possibility, which involves Ronaldo running into a corrupt gem in "Steven Universe" season 4, episode 18.
This way, he could inform Steven and the others, ultimately assisting them to find a cure to gem corruption. This way, Ronaldo could actually be of help to the gems.
The "Steven Universe" theorist said that Ronaldo's foreshadowing does not really impact the characters that much so seeing him take part in such noble quest in "Steven Universe" season 4, episode 18 will be a breath of fresh air.
"Steven Universe" season 4, episode 18, "Rocknaldo," airs Friday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m. ET on Cartoon Network.