'The Last of Us 2' News, Rumors: Series Writer Inadvertently Hinted of the Game's Alleged Sequel
Being a well-received game of its time, it's no wonder that fans of Naughty Dog's popular post-apocalyptic action-adventure game "The Last Of Us" have expressed an unabated interest for a sequel of the title. If only the public could take this bit of news as an official statement as it appears that the studio might actually have "The Last of Us 2" in mind.
This week's livestream for the company's other hit title "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection" was being attended by Naughty Dog's community strategist Eric Monacelli, writer Josh Scherr, and lead animator Eric Baldwin.
The talk expectedly diverted to discuss the survival horror game, and based on a seemingly accidental statement released by Scherr, it appears that a second installment is indeed included in the company's project timetable.
Citing the transcription shared by IGN.com, the scribe's words read as follow:
"All the facial animation in the Uncharted series was led up by Eric, here," he said (via IGN), "and [on] the first The Last of Us. Uh, did I say the first The Last of Us?"
As seen in the video, Scherr's rhythm of speech seems to have altered after he inadvertently touched on the subject. Perhaps it's his intention to avert the attention of the listeners from the details he accidentally let out?
Several websites, including the aforementioned, cited the flustered expression Scherr displayed.
"…it certainly seems like he realised he's slipped up," the game review site wrote.
Gamerant, which also picked up the talk, said that this could be an "intentional" move from Naughty Dog "in order to generate preliminary buzz."
Needless to say, rumors of a "Last of Us 2" have been around for some time already. Over the last few months, voice actor Nolan North told fans at a convention that the sequel is indeed underway. However, the studio picked up the issue to clarify that the plans for the said game still remains up in the air.
Stay tuned for more updates.