'Twin Peaks' Season 3, Episode 8: Any Spoilers For Episode 9?
"Twin Peaks" is back, meaning it's back to confusing the living daylights out of its viewers. After episode 7 gave a few hints at the location of Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan), who has been reported missing, episode 8 sidetracks once again to Robert Broski's enigmatic character known only as "The Woodsman"
At the start of episode 8, Cooper's doppelganger is demanding from Ray (George Griffith) and gets shot in return. This prompts a number of ghostly bodies to surround the body and start tearing at it, all in front of Ray's eyes.
This might be the work Mike (Gary Hershberger), who stated earlier that either Cooper or his doppelganger must die. However, Ray later states that he doesn't believe that the doppelganger is really dead. Whether he was referring to the supernatural forces that he witnessed or might have seen the real Dale Cooper and mistaken him for the doppelganger is unclear.
For now, at least, Cooper is safe from any supernatural shenanigans and can continue to live his life as Dougie. Of course, this won't be for long as another supernatural character makes his appearance in "Twin Peaks," the Woodsman.
After taking over a radio station, killing the receptionist in the process, he broadcasts the words "This is the water and this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes and dark within." This results in the listeners falling unconscious, and as the Woodsman leaves, he crushes the disk jockey's skull, leaving no witnesses.
What could these words mean? Could it be connected to the Dale Cooper's plight as he jumps back and forth from different Doppelgangers? Is the Woodsman after him or another character? But more importantly, what does this all have to do with the murder of Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee)?
For now, the fact that the doppelganger is dead has given Cooper a brief respite from Mike's threat of death. With the plot once again being sidetracked, it would be safe to say that episode 9 will tackle the events following the discovery of the pages of Laura's diary. Or it could be just another weird episode like this one.
"Twin Peaks" season 3, episode 9 airs on July 9 at 9 p.m. ET on Showtime.