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A colossal backfire against the trans industry


Rarely do I read legal opinions that make my jaw drop in amazement, but an unequivocal amicus brief for an upcoming Supreme Court case involving the trans-ing of children has done just that.

In what I consider to be a colossal backfire against the transgender industry, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s friend of the court brief in the Skrmetti matter — which the U.S. Supreme Court will hear on December 4th and centers around Tennessee's ban on gender medicalization for minors — spells out in considerable detail the maddening shenanigans of an organization that belongs on the ash heap of history, the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH). What is more, our federal government is complicit in what I and many others believe is a breathtakingly horrendous medical scandal. One of the worst offenders is Admiral Rachel Levine, a repulsive man who claims to be a woman and the current Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services.

None of the contents in Alabama’s opinion were particularly new for those of us who have closely followed these issues but the whole 52-page opinion is worth reading. It is encouraging to see it concisely distilled in one place, knowing that Supreme Court clerks and the justices will be reviewing it.

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Urging the high court to side with Tennessee, Alabama delineates its findings regarding the enormous fraud of so-called “gender-affirming care,” which came about due to a lawsuit, Boe v. Marshall. The Boe case was set in motion as a result of the Biden administration and interest groups challenging Alabama’s 2022 law barring the administration of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and the performing of trans surgeries on minors. We would not know much of what follows but for the discovery process that took place precisely because of this lawsuit.

Marshall’s opinion documents how the authors of WPATH’s vaunted guidelines, the 8th version of its Standards of Care (SOC-8), acted on the advice of “social justice lawyers [they] spoke with” and deliberately opted to not seek a scientific review of the evidence for treating gender confusion with hormones and surgeries by heavy hitters like Johns Hopkins University. WPATH intentionally chose not to engage the science but still approved their recommendations since “evidence-based review reveals little or no evidence and puts us in an untenable position in terms of affecting policy or winning lawsuits.”

And yet, WPATH members have repeatedly framed these interventions as both “medically necessary” and supported by a robust evidence base when, in fact, the exact opposite is true. Their internal communications revealed that their goals were transparently political ones bent toward legal victories, not clinical best practices. To call this a “scandal” is the understatement of the century.

Marshall also shines a light on the major players, namely, former WPATH president Marci Bowers, who has performed thousands of trans surgeries including the genital operations on TLC star Jazz Jennings, and Dr. Eli Coleman, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota who headed the writing of WPATH SOC-8. That matters because the antics of these men have not been adequately scrutinized and they have been among the most prominent voices that have been quoted in the mainstream press as experts in the field. The truth is that they are activists engaged in deceptive chicanery of the worst sort, putting children’s lives and health at risk. With the publication of the WPATH files earlier this year, which are chock-full of child-endangering statements from WPATH members, the appalling behavior of this organization and its leaders is undeniable.

Perhaps worst of all, a federal government agency was involved in this scandal, specifically Sec. Levine at HHS. Uncovered emails show that Levine pushed back against any age restrictions for these experimental interventions in the SOC-8 and his advocacy influenced the final version which did not contain any limits except for one specific surgery, the phalloplasty, recommending patients be over 18. In that procedure, doctors surgically harvest tissue from a donor site on the body, usually the forearm or thigh, to construct a fake, non-functional penis for trans-identifying females.

The Alabama amicus does not shrink back from exposing the most disturbing areas of the transgender abyss, even the most deranged section of SOC-8. According to WPATH’s guidelines, “eunuchs” are among the groups of “gender-diverse” people who may need these interventions.

Only in the reprobate minds of trans cultists are castrated males a “gender.”

When asked during his deposition “[I]n the case of a physically healthy man with no recognized mental health conditions and who presents as a eunuch seeking castration, but no finding is made that he’s actually at high risk of self-castration, nevertheless, WPATH’s official position is that that castration may be a medically necessary procedure?” Coleman replied: “That’s correct.”

The opinion dares to ask: “How did WPATH learn that castration constitutes ‘medically necessary gender-affirming care?'”

The answer is a foul, exceedingly perverse corner of the internet. No, really.

Referenced in the opinion’s footnotes is the astonishing investigative work of Reduxx magazine whose journalists infiltrated the Eunuch Archive — a child castration fetish forum of academics and others who host and create grotesque written pornography containing narratives in which doctors rape and torture children whose puberty was stunted. Among the many depravities their deep-dive reporting revealed was that two Eunuch Archive members were invited to speak at WPATH conferences, including the 2011 meeting in Atlanta, Georgia where “Gender Identity Disorder” was declassified as a psychological condition and was strategically rebranded as “gender dysphoria.”

Although the issue of trans-ing children and gender ideology more broadly has not manifested so much in the 2024 presidential election, except for a few occasional oblique references, something seems to be simmering beneath the surface.

On June 27, the day of the presidential debate that led to President Joe Biden exiting the race, the Biden administration said through a spokesperson that they were opposed to trans surgeries for minors. As far as I'm aware, this marked the first time that the White House had ever expressed anything unsupportive of gender identity ideology. Unsurprisingly, they backpedaled days later, but the statement appeared to be either a political calculation should President Donald Trump dare to bring up the issue that night at the debate (he didn’t) or, and this is more likely, because of the reporting that emerged that exposed Sec. Levine's arguing against age restrictions for trans-medical procedures.

While future Supreme Court rulings can be hard to predict, the Alabama opinion makes a compelling case that Tennessee should win given the pseudoscience upon which “gender-affirming care” rests. At the least, if there is any justice left in the world, it should certainly be the final nail in WPATH’s coffin.

And just to reiterate, we would never know most of this damning information except for the remarkable work of the Alabama Attorney General’s office.

The Yellowhammer state’s motto is “Audemus jura nostra defendere” which appears on its coat of arms and means “We dare maintain our rights.”

With this barnburner of a legal opinion, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall has done so in spades in defense of children.

Brandon Showalter has a bachelor's degree from Bridgewater College in Virginia and a master's degree from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Listen to Showalter's Generation Indoctrination podcast at The Christian Post and edifi app Send news tips to: Follow on Facebook: BrandonMarkShowalter Follow on Twitter: @BrandonMShow

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