Bob Buford Dies at 78: 'You Finished Well'

This week one of the great men and true heroes of the Christian faith, Bob Buford, founder of the Halftime Institute, went to be with the Lord.
Bob was a mentor and friend to Greg, my late husband. Together they co-founded The Halftime Institute. He helped to shape Greg into the man he was during the last half of his life. Greg would say that Bob helped form him more than any other single human on earth, outside of his dad. Thanks to Bob, my husband's faith matured and became life giving. Greg would never have been the man he was at the end of his life, saying "yes" to everything God called him to, if it weren't for Bob.
When Greg and I went down to Dallas to meet with Bob in 1998 to consider going on board with Halftime, I will never forget sitting in Bob's office and asking him what Halftime actually did. Bob stood up from his desk and walked over to a plant in his office with a bottle of water and poured the water into the plant and asked, "Where is the water?" He then stated, "The water is nourishing the plant, but you don't see the water." He said, "That is what we do here. We are the water. We help grow fruit on other people's trees."
That imagery stuck with Greg and I forever. And, even two decades later, Bob's analogy still holds true. We ran across an original painting a few years after that first meeting with Bob and hearing him say those words.
The painting is seven feet long and three feet wide and is a painting of a tilted pail at the top with water pouring out of it down the length of the canvas. It was like a waterfall with much more water coming out of the pail, as compared to what the pail would actually hold. We bought that painting from the artist and it hangs still today and reminds us of that initial meeting with Bob, and the call to be the water to help nourish others and encourage them to live out their Ephesians 2:10 calling.
The Halftime Institute and the faith communities at large will greatly miss Bob but his legacy will long live on. The lives that have been launched into changing the world through the ministry of the Halftime Institute is much in thanks to the obedience of Bob Buford. It is comforting to know that Bob is now not only with his Heavenly Father but reunited with his son-Ross, what a glorious reunion!
I know Bob is more alive than he ever was here on earth! And to use the title from one of his last books ... BOB, YOU FINISHED WELL!! I know you heard the words "Well done good and faithful servant!"