Do you know the truth behind Florida’s Amendment 4?

This November, Florida voters will confront a deceptively labeled constitutional amendment that claims to limit “government interference with abortion.” Yet, beneath this title lies a dangerous expansion of abortion access far beyond what Florida and even the United States have ever seen. Dubbed “Amendment 4,” this initiative was crafted and heavily funded by organizations like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and groups connected to George Soros. Make no mistake: this is not a moderate measure, and it is far from compassionate. It is a direct assault on life, families, and the safety of vulnerable individuals.
1. An extreme expansion
Amendment 4 would introduce the most extreme abortion measure in America. This is not a step back to the days of Roe v. Wade, where some safeguards and regulations still existed. Instead, it would enshrine abortion as a right throughout all nine months of pregnancy — eliminating every form of restriction, including late-term abortion limits, parental consent, and even the necessary protection of women’s health. If Amendment 4 passes, Florida will face a grim future: an estimated 40,000 unborn babies would lose their lives every year, leaving thousands of grieving families in the wake of this brutal policy.
This measure would make Florida a haven for late-term abortion. At this stage of pregnancy, medical science confirms that unborn babies feel pain, and many could survive outside the womb if delivered early. In the most sobering terms, this amendment would make a mother’s womb the most dangerous place in Florida. When we think about the potential loss, the question becomes not just about legal rights, but about our moral responsibility as a society to protect life, especially when it is most vulnerable.
2. A deceptive measure
Amendment 4 uses carefully chosen language to hide its true impact, especially on parental rights. It claims only to eliminate government interference, but this would mean that parents lose any legal authority to protect their children from a potentially life-altering decision. Under this amendment, a minor could receive an abortion without parental consent. The ballot language mentions “notification,” a hollow requirement without enforceable authority, a far cry from parental consent. Notification does not equal a requirement for consent, and it falls woefully short of protecting minors from irreversible harm.
This amendment’s language is also alarmingly vague about who qualifies as a “healthcare provider,” leaving the door open for non-doctors to determine issues such as the baby’s viability and exceptions for health. It also fails to define key medical terms, like “viability.” Without clarity, this amendment creates a dangerous ambiguity, allowing abortion providers to make life-or-death decisions without medical oversight, effectively compromising both maternal and fetal health.
3. A dark spiritual undertone
In this proposed amendment, we confront more than just a political issue; we encounter a spiritual battle. As the Bible teaches, there is a real force of evil — the Evil One, described as a liar, a murderer, and a thief — behind this Amendment. This amendment deceives the public by cloaking its extremism in misleading language. It perpetuates injustice by sanctioning the shedding of innocent blood — the lifeblood of the most vulnerable and defenseless among us, the unborn. And it robs: it takes away a child’s right to live, a parent’s right to safeguard their child, and our society’s responsibility to uphold moral integrity.
Our culture’s motto is “my body, my choice.” The reality is abortion does not involve one life but two. The baby inside the womb is a separate life, with different DNA and organs. The baby after 8 weeks from conception can hear sound and feel pain. Abortion masked in healthcare is not only wrong but wicked and evil.
This amendment, fueled by organizations that prioritize profit over people, would turn Florida into a state that attracts those seeking unrestricted abortion services — a dark distinction no state should ever pursue. Florida should be a sanctuary for life, a place where human rights are preserved from the earliest stages. Instead, the adoption of Amendment 4 would characterize us as a hub of abortion tourism, attracting individuals on the basis of and in response to Florida’s new and extreme policies.
Why Floridians should vote ‘no’ on Amendment 4
The truth is, Floridians are being asked to amend their state constitution to enshrine the most radical pro-abortion policy in the country. A constitutional amendment, unlike ordinary legislation, is exceedingly difficult to reverse. In Florida’s history, only one constitutional amendment has ever been overturned. This means that if Amendment 4 passes, it will remain virtually untouchable, making it all but impossible to restore protections for the unborn or uphold basic parental rights.
It should be noted that abortion activists are claiming that if Amendment 4 doesn’t pass, women will not have access to treatments for miscarriages or other life-threatening conditions. This is a lie intended simply to mislead the public. Under the current state laws women would never be penalized or criminally charged for seeking this care. Amendment 4 proponents are deceptively conflating abortion with other health issues a pregnant woman could face. The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration has created a website to bring light to the many lies being spread by the progressive media regarding the state’s current abortion laws and the ramifications of Amendment 4.
This is a moment of decision, not just for Florida, but for the soul of this state. Amendment 4 is a direct attack on the values we hold dear and could become a blueprint for the rest of the nation. God calls us his people to stand for justice and defend the weak. By voting “No” on Amendment 4, Floridians will be protecting the most vulnerable in our society, the child in the womb. Let’s pray that Florida votes like lives depend upon it, because they do.
Dr. Robert J. Pacienza is Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, President of Coral Ridge Ministries and Founder of the Institute for Faith & Culture.