Netflix Movie Shows the Endgame of the Ideals of Sanger and Malthus

Anglican Christian apostate Thomas Robert Malthus and God hater Margaret Sanger are two of the biggest people in their lifetimes that promoted a culture of death and encouraged the destruction of God's proudest creation. That being the human race. Unlike other creatures, mankind was created for the purpose of those who would worship the God that created them in the first place.
However, there were those who either lacked the faith, and/or got seduced by Lucifer's whispers in his attempts to get back at his father. Malthus wrote in his book An Essay on the Principle of Population first published in 1798 that certain children born beyond what the governments can handle must be exterminated. Either that or we eliminate the old and weak. Margaret Sanger picked up on Malthus ideals including her famous killing the youngest child in your large family as 'the most merciful thing to do' statement. These ideals run smack dab into God's command to "be fruitful and multiply" and lean on God to provide what his creation needs to order to live in his creation in spite of it being a fallen creation. Certain movies in spite of its humanist leanings do show humanism's dark side and prove that making a mockery of God does not get you far, and What Happened to Monday currently on streaming provider Netflix in America since late last year makes that point quite clear.
Before I continue, I just want let you know upfront that the movie is rated TV-MA (Mature Audiences) and contains language, graphic violence and sexual situations. Also, this piece will contain key spoilers so if you are interested in this movie and want to find out what happens for yourself, please don't read on after this paragraph.
In the year 2043 to curb Earth's population crisis and its impact on its culture and climate, Nicolette Cayman (played by Glenn Close) advocates for the Child Allocation Act which is passed and thus creating a Child Allocation Bureau (CAB) with Cayman as its head. The CAB enforces a one child policy which forces all multiple children born to a single mother expect for the oldest sibling into cryosleep. The grandfather of a now deceased mother of seven children quickly comes up with a plan. Terrence Settman name his seven grandchildren after all the days of the week and they all take the identity of Karen Settman. Only the one that is named secretly after their respected day is allowed to go outside their living quarters in order to keep their secret away from the CAB.
To the outside world Settman has become a rising figure at a large financial banking institution. However, a zealous co-worker who is desperate for a promotion finds out about the Settman's secret and the CAB unleashes their wrath while the sibling named Monday goes missing. Along the way the CAB successfully terminates most of the siblings, but the surviving few discovers the darkest secret of Cayman and the CAB. Cayman and the enforcement agency have lied about putting children into cryosleep. Instead of being frozen and put into storage; they are incinerated, fried, and burned to ashes. To quote a lyric from a Judas Priest song; "So much for the golden future, I can't even start." The Child Allocation enforcement is a blood lust for Cayman, its enforcers and medical practitioners.
Cayman has higher ambitions, as she has become a candidate for parliament for this futuristic government. Only the remaining Settman siblings stand in Cayman's way. The surviving siblings are successful in exposing Cayman's scam and eventually faces an apparent court trail and a death sentence for her crimes against humanity. She lacks the remorse in what she did and only talks about the brave new world that might have happened. No different than those who stood by Hitler even when their necks were put into a noose.
Meanwhile in the real world our courts have put a gag order on David Daleiden and his videos exposing those who work in Planned Parenthood and their respected bloodlusts. Also, President Donald Trump signed off on a spending bill that gives $500 million to this great body of preborn baby killers. The money that Stormy Daniels (accusing Trump of sexual misconduct) is giving to PP is a drop in a bucket compared to what our government is forking over.
If our sexual impulses are more important than the lives of the unborn, then what difference does it make if one day we decide to "Kentucky Fry" unwanted and/or too many children for the greater good? What Happened to Monday exposes where the ideals of Sanger and Malthus eventually lead to and its endgame, and those who hate God with a passion.
But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; All those who hate me love death. - Proverbs 8:36 NKJV