The True Evil Purpose of the Freedom From Religion Foundation

One of biggest reasons why Conservative Christians and their allies must do all in their power to push back against the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and their allies-- comes down to one thing—worldview.
While our American culture is getting cleansed of any mention of the Christian Faith, FFRF has been upfront and supportive of pre-born baby murder and declaring it's about a women's right to choose. While they tell us to "butt out" of that so-called right and personal decision, they still want individuals and business to be forced (via taxes) to pay for birth control (including the Plan B morning-after pill which is hands down abortifacient) which ObamaCare forced them to do.
Before FFRF was founded, it's co-founder Anne Nicole Gaylor was known for her advocacy for the decriminalization of abortion. She was the editor of the weekly Middleton Times-Tribune in her home state of Wisconsin and during her time there she wrote an editorial calling for just that. She joined several pro-abortion and population control groups including Zero Population Growth (now called "Population Connection") and NARL Pro Choice America. Over two years later after SCOTUS made abortion legal (via the famous Roe vs. Wade and lesser-known Doe vs Bolton decisions), Gaylor wrote the book Abortion Is a Blessing which received positive response from popular feminist activist groups and individuals including Gloria Steinem (who went overseas to get an illegal abortion) and Betty Friedan (who needed a little nudging from a few men who support population control to get the feminists on board with supporting baby murder).
Gaylor felt that "religion" was the biggest hindrance to advancing civil rights for women. She and her daughter Annie Laurie would co-found the FFRF, and thus their quest to make abortion a sacred right through religious cleaning would be underway.
We all agree that there should not be a state church of any kind in America. That does not mean we hinder the speech and exercise of faith. FFRF twists issues so their agenda of progressive politics gets little to no hindrance. Like I said, it's all about worldview. You remove any "religious references" in society and you make it easy to convince others of the worldview you seek to make dominant in the culture. FFRF only allows the pagan culture to come out of the shadows for better or worse and that does not bug them as long as women can copulate and not procreate.
There are those who desire to have control over women and push them around for no good reason, but radical leftist feminists just don't understand the roles that God himself have declared between men and women. We don't want a country as depicted in The Handmaiden's Tale, (not to mention the junk science theories used in the story) but you need to look at God's commandment of "Do Not Murder" in Exodus and Paul's words in Ephesians 5:25 and 1 Timothy 2:9-14 on the basics of gender roles in society. Even Margaret Sanger did not like abortion in itself, in spite of FFRF using her words; "No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother." However, that did not stop her from advocating the murder of certain children in order to protest constant procreation which in her time did endanger the health of women...but it is no excuse to justify pre-born baby murder.
I don't want to debate gender roles in this piece, but let us admit at a minimum that men and women are different. We need to push back against these infidels who want to fundamentally transform America into what will become hell on earth.