Thoughts on Ella Dawson and Sexual Relations Over the Years

Ellla Dawson is one millennial that make me concerned for our future. Dawson calls herself a feminist who basically treats sex like a contact sport, for lack of a better term. This in spite of her contracting genital HSV-1 aka herpes. Still while I give her credit for admitting to this, Dawson has not repented of her actions and continues her sexual erotica stories coupled with her radical feminism.
Still it does show the long game that feminists that came before Dawson have been playing. That long game has been long known as Free Love which actually goes back to the late 18th Century (and magnified in the 1960's) with Mary Wollstonecraft advocating the abolition of marriage and with that abolition the destruction of the family unit. These intertwined institutions were created by God himself. The institution of marriage was ordained by God as a convent of one man and one women for life and for a sexual relationship with only each other. That sexual relationship in turn allows for procreation of the human race and that the offspring is raised by a mother and father that not only loves their children but continues their love for each other (your family unit) and hopefully God himself.
But there are those like Wollstonecraft and others who have challenged this God ordained institution due to the overall apostasy from the Christian faith, teachings, and even twisting it for selfish gain. Certain women may have been legitimately abused by men who might have twisted the scripture for their own personal gain, but the women are just guilty in their contribution to the apostasy.
A couple of pieces that Dawson linked on her Facebook page inspired me to write this piece. She linked a piece from NBC News about the Trump administration encouraging teens to abstain from sexual activity. Dawson reminds us to look to "science" and how they have proven Abstinence-only sex education is not only a failure but ineffective and harmful. All this from a young women who supported Hillary Clinton's run for President of the United States. While many sexual predators like Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose have been taken out in one form or another, Hillary's boo still has not been held to account. If Bill Clinton is finally held accountable for his action, then we can talk about doing the same to President Donald Trump.
Another piece that Dawson linked recently was a piece that made this remark.
When it comes to sex ed in the United States, supporters and critics alike are missing the point. Sexuality is a fundamental part of who we are; to deny that is to deny a person's humanity. That's why we, as sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice advocates, must promote sex ed not just as a health need but as a human right. Ensuring that all people—and especially young people—have a complete and accurate understanding of how this core part of our identities can shape and affect us is a necessary and moral thing to do.
This comes from Chitra Panjabi, president and CEO of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States or SIECUS. Panjabi is a progressive feminist herself and previously served with the National Organization of Women and the Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument. SIECUS itself was Dr. Mary S. Calderone who served as medical director for Planned Parenthood.
It is very important to understand those who push sex as no big deal from the likes of Dawson and those who she supports. Dawson is living with the consequences, but yet she is not truly humbled and rather her heart grows even harder.
Now more than ever we need to speak Paul's words even louder: But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband (1 Corinthians 7:2 ESV).