The rise of modern-day child sacrifice

The ancient Romans had a saying — Homo homini lupus est, meaning, “Man is like a wolf unto other men,” a saying easily proven by a quick glance at most history books. But just as true would be the saying: Homo Pueris lupus est, that is, “Man is like a wolf unto children.”
Ancient history has proven this horror to be the case, specifically in the case of child sacrifice. The Carthaginians, Rome’s mortal enemies, were infamous for this practice, rolling infants down into a “gaping pit filled with fire” at the center of an idol of the fertility god Baal Hammon, according to Roman accounts. The idol, “extending its hands, palms up and sloping towards the ground,” would greedily accept the votive offerings in exchange for supposed divine favor.
Nor was this practice limited to the Carthaginians. The Bible recounts how the Canaanites — Carthage’s ancestors — sacrificed children to idols in horrendous ways, a practice that was sadly picked up by the sinful Israelites as well, and which also arose independently in civilizations as far away in time and space as the Aztecs in South America.
If reading about these atrocities churns your stomach, reflect on what is going on before our eyes these very days with “gender-affirming surgery.” A principal difference between what’s taking place in Western society and what happened more than 2,000 years ago is that the modern champions of child sacrifice have much better PR than Carthage.
But the truth of the matter is that the modern version of that ancient atrocity is just as evil and selfish.
Parents who have had their children forcibly taken away can attest to the pain of knowing that their child is likely gone forever. Only instead of dropping them into a flaming pit, the modern-day priests of Baal mutilate their bodies, warp their minds, and brainwash them.
Consider the case of Jeff Younger, a Texas man who recently lost a legal battle against his ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, over his two sons, including one child who will now be put through the gauntlet of “gender-affirming care.”
Younger’s heartbreaking X post is worth quoting in full:
“I lost all parental rights to my sons. Goodbye, boys. Perhaps, we will meet when you are adults. California Judge Juhas gave my ex-wife authority to castrate my son, James. All contact with my boys must be supervised. I won’t do that. I send letters and gifts to my sons. My ex is not required to give them to the boys. I cannot post pictures of my sons. Let my story be a cautionary one for young men. Fathers have no rights to their children. Do not enter the family law system.”
Georgulas, who is actually board-certified pediatrician, started James’s slow descent from a young age, brainwashing him into thinking he’s a girl named “Luna.” When the state of Texas would not allow her to chemically castrate her son, she moved to California, taking advantage of a state law that empowers abusive parents who want to afflict their sons and daughters with transgender hormones and surgeries.
Younger isn’t the only one whose son was effectively abducted by the acolytes of gender ideology.
Adam Vena similarly lost a custody battle over his five-year-old son, Aidan, who was pushed down the path of gender ideology by Vena’s ex-girlfriend, who started corrupting her son during early infancy.
The mother “began clothing Aidan in girl’s dresses at the young age of two” and recently won the legal power to pump Aidan full of harmful puberty blockers.
Vena’s ex-girlfriend also imposed female pronouns on the child and wrote to the leaders of Aidan’s private school that “Aidan has come out as transgender and is ready for the world to accept her for who she truly is. She fully identifies as female, uses female pronouns, and uses the girl’s restroom ... Aidan is a girl who was born in a boy’s body. To me, she says ‘every single part of me is a girl, except I have a (anatomically correct word for male genitalia).”
This epidemic of insanity is, sadly, not limited just to the U.S.
In a case exemplary of this “suicidal mind virus,” as Elon Musk terms it, Switzerland’s justice system is currently trying to force a mother and father to help their daughter “become” a boy.
The parents in question opposed their daughter’s school’s campaign to convince her that she is actually a boy. When the school in question continued with its sick efforts, it ran into the parents’ continued resistance — and school authorities ultimately reported the parents to the government, which took the daughter away from her loving home. Now, the authorities are also forcing the parents to provide certain documents “to enable a legal ‘sex change.’”
Research has repeatedly demonstrated that gender-dysphoric individuals who go through transgender “treatments” face severe mental health issues and depression that frequently lead to suicide. The “gender-affirming care” conveyor belt — from the public schools that brainwash children to the clinics that butcher their bodies to the parents and judges who enable it all — is leading straight into Baal’s insatiable clutches.
Those who continue indoctrinating children with this gender ideology, whether public school officials or abusive parents like Georgulas and Vena’s former partner, are willfully blinding themselves to the fate that these innocents will likely face one day. Only, instead of immolating their sons and daughters to placate angry idols or improve the fertility of their fields, they sacrifice them in the service of a manifestly false and insane political ideology.
Such conduct is evil, abusive, and downright demonic. Christians have a duty to oppose the evil maltreatment of children at every turn — and to pray that these evil men and women will one day repent with a broken and contrite heart.
Originally published at the Standing for Freedom Center.
Elad Vaida is a writer living in Virginia. He was previously the speechwriter for Senator John Kennedy (R-Louisiana). His writing has appeared in American Greatness, The Federalist, The American Conservative, The Washington Examiner, and other publications.