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Biden's new foster care rule is meant to block Christians like me

  | Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

Biden's U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is so Hell-bent to see as many children and youth as possible be transitioned into the opposite gender, that it has finalized an outlandish new foster care rule that practically bans Christians from adopting or being caretakers. 

This treacherous federal new rule announced this past April states in essence that no person will be eligible to host or adopt a child in foster care unless that individual is on board with supporting transgenderism. In other words, they must denounce the Word of God, which as Matthew 19:4 declares: He made them at the beginning male and female.

If this new HHS rule sounds satanic, that is because it is. But if it comes as a surprise, it should not.  Just look at the number of aggressive steps that Rachel Levine has taken as the lead trans HHS official to help spur an increase in the number of children getting transgender surgeries.

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For instance, Rachel Levine is so laser-focused on increasing the number of children who go under the knife and get their bodies mutilated, that according to the New York Times, Levine has been using federal pressure behind-the-scenes to change medical guidelines so that there is no age limit for sex-change surgeries. 

Moreover, in accordance with seeking to remove age-limits, Levine has also been at the forefront in developing strategies to combat a number of red states that have passed laws that ban child mutilation. 

Rachel Levine's primary collaborator in all this is HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, who works in tandem with Levine. Back in July of 2022, Becerra and Levine co-hosted together a so-called “Roundtable with Trans Youth,” where some of the small children photographed were paraded wearing clothes of the opposite sex and visibly under the age of 10 based on height alone. 

Becerra revealed that he shares Levine's deep level of commitment to force Americans to adhere to the Biden transgender agenda during his testimony on Capitol Hill in May, when he confirmed during questioning that he would likely withhold federal funds from any hospital or health care facility in America that does not perform transgender surgeries, in spite of religious objections. 

Florida is one state that bans transgender treatment on minors and its Attorney General is suing HHS to undo this rule and successfully got an injunction in federal court that blocks HHS from implementing.    

Of course, HHS is not working alone. DOJ is another key player. As has been widely-reported, when a Christian Texas surgeon, Dr. Eithan Haim blew the whistle and leaked evidence that Texas Children's Hospital was violating Texas law that bans sex-change procedures on those under the age of 18, the FBI showed up at his home and informed him that he is being indicted by DOJ. 

This judicial action against Dr. Haim certainly appears to confirm Levine and Becerra’s remarks in an interview they both gave recently to the Washington Blade where they admitted that HHS was collaborating with DOJ to use litigation (aka lawfare) to so-called “combat healthcare restrictions.”

Which brings us back to the issue at hand. How is the Biden administration intending to keep foster care children away from Christian influence?

What should be most obvious is the fact that children in foster care are in most need of Christian influence than anyone. One does not have to be a certified psychologist to grasp the trauma that is inflicted on both young and older children when they are separated from their biological family.  Kids and youth in foster care are among the most vulnerable in society, and therefore, are those who need most to be reassured of and shown God's pure love.

This is a good opportunity to also have it noted that “[t]he No. 1 driver of children entering the foster system is not abuse, it’s poverty-related neglect,” according to Joe Knitting.

This must be emphasized — most kids placed in foster care are taken away because their parents are poor. This should alarm and upset everyone; especially when taking into account that the cycle of poverty starts and ends with Democrat policies (i.e., Lyndon B. Johnson's so-called Great Society). 

So, not only has the Democrat Party caused the problem that has resulted in nearly half of a million children being trapped in foster care, but the Democrats in charge of the federal government are now fighting to ensure that these vulnerable children are bombarded with pro-transgenderism propaganda and no Christian can protect them.  

Keeping Christians from serving as caretakers or adopting foster care children is only one part of the equation. The other is how Christians are being kept out of social services. 

The degree to which secularists dominate social services and are hostile to Christians was on display in a recent case before a UK tribunal that resulted in the judges refusing to reinstate a devout Christian social worker who was denied a position over his biblical views on homosexuality. One of the judges reportedly said there was “legitimate concerns over the potential impact of the [Christian plaintiff’s] publicly known views on the mental health of patients who identify as LGBT.”

It is a good bet that similarly to the U.K., here in the U.S., it is rare for Christian social workers who hold a like-minded biblical worldview to be extended employment in government-funded social service agencies, particularly if they reside in blue states. After all, places like Washington State have mimicked Biden's HHS in targeting Christian foster care parents and mandated that they must use transgender pronouns. The same goes for Colorado.

The reality is that the secular left’s actions to use foster care children for social engineering have been in the works for some time.

Or how about here in the U.S. where many children are adopted and placed into homosexual-practicing homes to help legitimize their lifestyle? The campaign rhetoric supporting gay adoptions has often made claims insinuating that more gay couples are willing to care for children in foster care children than Christians. GLAAD made this case and stated that “Child welfare experts say [] policies mean more foster children spend more time in group homes as agencies turn away qualified foster parents."

But the data shows this is not true. In fact, previous Barna Group’s research shows that Christians are twice more likely to adopt than the general public and Evangelicals are five times more likely to adopt especially older children and or special needs kids.

Thankfully some action is in the works. The Tennessee Attorney General has voiced plans to take legal action and sue HHS to stop the rule from implementation and has also sent a letter, along with other republican state attorney generals, that appropriately called this rule unconstitutional and a violation of state domestic law rights. In Congress, both the Senate and House have also introduced bills to block this rule from being implemented (though we know the Senate will never hold a hearing while Democrats hold the majority.) While this rule is supposedly not expected to go into effect until 2026, we can anticipate that HHS will get the ball rolling sooner than later.

We can also get creative. For example, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene offered a measure to defund Rachel Levine’s salary.

In her tweet, she wrote: “My amendment uses the Holman rule (an amendment to appropriations legislation that can reduce the salary of or fire specific federal employees) to reduce [...], the salary of assistant secretary for health Richard Levine to $1, the same way he supports castrating children who suffer from gender dysphoria,” Greene said in her speech. “It is our job to protect our children from sexual groomers like Levine and reducing his salary to $1 is a strong first step.”

Could not have said it better myself. This is the kind of righteous anger we need to see more of. 

Unfortunately, due to 46 House Republicans who joined the Democrats, it failed. Further proof that much more work needs to be done to ensure that anyone who holds public office on our side will not back down in protecting our children.

Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. is an influential preacher, author, and activist who spreads God’s truth zealously and without fear. Along with serving his local church in North Carolina, John travels nationally to speak, preach and confront school boards, for which his notoriety has spread coast to coast with 300 million + views on videos of his now famous challenges to woke school board officials. From the battles on the NC State football field to the current-day culture wars, John is a fearless defender of Biblical justice. IKNOWGOD.US.

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