Black Lives Matter doesn’t care about black lives

Two years ago today, George Floyd's passing changed the world forever. The viral footage of former police officer Derek Chauvin with his knee on George Floyd sent shockwaves around the globe. Variousvideos that showed everything in context were released but largely and deliberately ignored by the media.
Also tied to the event of George Floyd’s death, a Marxist organization known as Black Lives Matter, which was launched in 2013 after the death of Trayvon Martin, came into exceptional prominence.
The slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ is true. Of course the lives of black people matter. Human life is a sacred gift from God. That is not the debate or the issue. The question that arises is: Do black lives actually matter to Black Lives Matter?
Anyone can just say words, but what do actions demonstrate?
In the early verses of Matthew 15, Jesus castigates religious externalism. In verse 8, he says that the Pharisees are just posers. He shares that they honored “him with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” The Pharisees would say one thing but do another.
If BLM actually cares about black lives, why do they not address the problems that negatively affect black people the most? They don’t address the problem of 76% of black adults being overweight or obese. They don’t address the chronic illiteracy among black youth around the country. They want to abolish police presence even though 81% of blacks want the same if not more police presence in their neighborhoods.
Black Lives Matter even wants fewer black people to exist. Their desire for “reproductive justice,” also known as murdering babies, causes them to stand with Planned Parenthood. In truth, the top killer of black people is abortion, and BLM boldly champions it.
BLM’s lips say one thing, but their hearts are far from their mantra.
Black Lives Matter is corrupt. It is hellbent on its supreme goal of power. They will do whatever it takes. Whether that is through violence, intimidation, or some other tactic, they will make sure the goal is met.
If you are reading this, you likely remember the riots, or as the mainstream media called them “mostly peaceful protests,” that broke out in May 2020. The mainstream media did everything they could to gaslight you in regards to what you were seeing on television, on social media, and in your cities and neighborhoods.
We all saw the violence, crime, destruction, fires, and overall pandemonium that took over the country. These riots caused a record-setting $2-billion in damage. That number doesn’t take into account the fact that most U.S. businesses are underinsured and around 40% of small businesses have no insurance at all. As a side note, 95% of 2020 riots were instigated by BLM.
BLM has a grotesque love affair with criminals, instead of fighting back against the evils that take the lives of innocent black individuals. It’s actually quite demented.
Seven-year-old Dexter Fergusson, who was shot while lying in his bed, didn’t receive the national attention that Alton Sterling, a chronic violent criminal received. Nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee, who was disgustingly executed by murderous and vengeful gang members, was not propped up like the knife-wieldingJacob Blake. Seven-year-old Jaslyn Adams who was killed in a McDonald’s drive-thru was hardly mentioned, while the bullying thief Michael Brown got a tremendous amount of press and name recognition. Neziah Hill, a 3-month-old little girl killed during a senseless act of violence went virtually unnoticed, while the career criminal George Floyd is celebrated as a martyr.
You ask yourself, “Why haven’t I heard the names of these kids before? Why didn’t the media equally address these cases as much as they did the other cases? Why does Black Lives Matter not address the issues that cause the most harm to the black community?”
The answer to your questions is that BLM gains money and power by continuing to pull race and oppression cards. They do this to push the narrative that society is oppressive towards blacks and they want to point the finger at police, or slave catchers, as professor Melina Abdullah would call them. They would also rather point the finger at those who don’t line up with and bow to their demands by calling them “racist,” “oppressive,” or “part of the problem.”
In his dynamite new book, Fiery But Mostly Peaceful: The 2020 Riots And The Gaslighting of America, writer Julio Rosas shares a story about a man who was driving his car and was cussed out by a demonstrator for not getting out of his car and leaving it in the middle of the street, even though the driver explained that he was trying to support them. We see another instance of lack of accountability and finger-pointing when Jazz Smollett, older sister of hate crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett, laughably pointed at courtroom attendees telling them to “Stop locking up our black men.”
BLM is also arguably corrupt. The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation raked in around $90 million in 2020. But the amount isn’t the issue. Multiple states including Indiana and California have taken or have threatened to take action against the organization for a lack of financial transparency. BLM Activist Monica Cannon-Grant and her husband are faced with many fraud charges. Patrisse Cullors, who is a co-founder of Black Lives Matter, confessed to throwing two parties at one of the multiple mansions owned by the organization. One of these parties happened to be for her own son.
As to how these mansions or parties help improve the lives of black people, your guess is as good as mine.
However, the corruption deepens when Cullors herself admitted a mansion supposedly owned by the organization is actually her residence. Documents revealed that an art firm owned by Damon Turner, the father of Patrice Cullors child, received nearly $1 million for “creative services,” while her brother’s security firm received around $840,000.
Black Lives Matter also has an internal lack of transparency. Chapters complain about a lack of funding from the foundation and Cullors defense was that the organization was often scraping for money. Even Breonna Taylor’s mom, Tamika Palmer, called out BLM Louisville and labeled them a fraud.
Actions speak louder than words and Black Lives Matter’s actions have spoken. They have been speaking ever since 2013, but these last couple of years have shown that they don’t believe what they say nor do they actually want to help black people. Black Lives Matter has no desire to help or enrich anyone but themselves and their elitist buddies. As a society, the next time an organization starts rising up, before supporting it and chanting their mantras and hashtags and giving them money, find out what they actually do and what they actually stand for.
Solomon Green is the Opinion Manager of The Christian Post. His writings can be found on Thinkspot, Merion West, The Christian Post, and Medium. Send op-eds to: