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Don’t be duped — ‘self-love’ will only damn you

Unsplash/Scott Rodgerson
Unsplash/Scott Rodgerson

Satan has been counterfeiting God's design for thousands of years. For example, God created male and female, prompting Satan and his demons to spawn transgenderism. Another example: Since God created sex to be enjoyed in marriage between a man and a woman, Satan promotes counterfeit forms of sexuality by tempting people to engage in fornication, adultery or homosexual behavior. 

Satan also creates counterfeit forms of spirituality. One such example involves the make-believe idea of "vibrations," which in "the context of personal energy" refers to "the frequency at which our innermost particles are moving." These so-called vibrations allegedly "impact our emotions, health, and spiritual well-being."

Satan is skilled at tricking people into accepting counterfeits to the Gospel. In order to blind you from your need for the cross, the devil assigns demons to promote substitute forms of spirituality through various earthly messengers who themselves have been duped by "the prince of demons" (Matthew 12:24).

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Lalah Delia is a spiritual practitioner and the founder of Vibrate Higher Daily. She instructs her followers, "Vibrate in self-love daily. Self-love raises your vibration. Self-love cleanses your energy. Self-love is how you take your power back. It's also how you come back home to your sacred self."

The fact of the matter is that loving yourself does not deliver forgiveness from God or salvation. Lalah's claim that self-love cleanses your energy is a counterfeit form of spirituality. True love was actually demonstrated at the cross where Jesus died for our sins, and the blood of Jesus is the only thing that can cleanse our soul. 

Lalah invites people to "take your power back" by loving yourself and essentially becoming your own god. This seductive temptation instructs people to remain in control of their life, and it comes with a huge catch. Demons devise and deliver false doctrines in the spiritual realm, which blind people and prevent them from understanding and believing the Gospel.

Case in point: I visited recently with a new age "healer" who has scales over her spiritual eyes. She is unable to understand and believe the Gospel, even though I clearly presented it to her multiple times. We visited for almost 3 hours, but she remained resolute in her determination to cling to her new age beliefs and to continue practicing new age healing. Each time I gently invited her to simply articulate the Gospel that I had just shared with her, she claimed to be on her own path of enlightenment and pure love. She couldn't seem to explain the Gospel, let alone believe it. But that came as no surprise. After all, the scales over her spiritual eyes are extremely thick as a result of her various new age practices, and of course her unbelief. 

In addition, she claims to have "ascended" and "raised her frequency" with God, and to be "much closer to God" and to "the light." She also falsely asserted that Jesus is a "created being." I will continue to pray for her and ask the Lord to bring her to repentance and faith in Jesus. She will need to stop relying upon a counterfeit form of spirituality if she hopes to truly know and love God. 

When Steven Bancarz was 19 years old, he "dedicated his life to New Age beliefs and sharing his spiritual wisdom with his blog community, where 200,000 to 300,000 people visited his site per day." Steven said, "I believe God was rewarding me with helping wake people up into a higher state of consciousness. It gave me a sense of power, a sense of purpose and a sense of meaning and value."

As Steven became more immersed in this counterfeit form of spirituality, he said, "I was miserable, I had depression and anxiety that I was suppressing. I had all this spiritual knowledge, but it wasn't bearing any fruit in my life. I felt like something was missing. I felt a little bit dead inside. And I realized that I wasn't in control, that this stuff is more powerful than I was, that these forces were real and that they didn't care for my well-being. They didn't need my permission because I was in their playground."

Have you been deceived into pursuing "personal energy" and "higher vibrations" in an effort to supposedly improve your spiritual well-being? If so, I encourage you to renounce those false doctrines as you repent of your sins and call upon the name of the Lord for salvation. Jesus will gladly forgive you and place you on the path of true spiritual enlightenment, but you will need to come to Christ and leave behind every counterfeit form of spirituality. In other words, you will need to leave the devil's playground.

Doreen Virtue did just that when she gave her life to the Lord. Doreen had been "a top-selling New Age author, speaking at seminars around the world and appearing on shows like Oprah and The View. She had her own brand of 'angel cards' and published books about New Age practices like card reading, energy healing, hypnosis, and chakras. "New age seemed like it was the answer," Doreen said. "I heard the Gospel all the time, but I had a heart of stone."

"Reading God's Word opened her eyes to see that her New Age beliefs and practices were in fact a deception. 'The veil was lifted by the Holy Spirit and I finally understood that I was a sinner,' Doreen recalls." "At 59 years of age, the New Age guru fell to her knees and committed her life to Jesus as her Lord and Savior."

And now rather than trying to "raise her vibrational frequency," Doreen trusts in the One who died for her sins on the cross and rose from the dead. She said, "We should expose the darkness. This is a salvific issue that can make the difference between Heaven and Hell."

Spiritual counterfeits do not end well for those who refuse to come into the light. Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).

Rather than attempting to raise your so-called "vibrational frequency," choose instead to surrender your heart to the One who rose from the dead after He laid down His life to "provide purification for sins" (Hebrews 1:3). You see, the cross of Christ is the only path to spiritual health and eternal life in Heaven.

Dan Delzell is the pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska. 

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