God loves LGBT people more than we do

God doesn’t whisper on sexual sin. His love for sinners keeps Him from doing that. He doesn’t whisper on sexual sin—because He doesn’t whisper on His love for sinners.
God isn’t ashamed of the Gospel. He isn’t embarrassed by His Word. He isn’t anxious about telling people good things that might offend them. God isn’t afraid to tell the truth about sexual sin.
God isn’t tempted to lie about pornography, fornication, adultery—and especially, homosexuality, and transgenderism.
He loves sinners too much for that. God isn’t tempted to hide His love, mercy, and grace from homosexual and transgender people. God isn’t like you and me. God loves LGBTQ people more than we do. So we should act like it.
Our culture celebrates homosexuality and transgenderism. Our neighbors celebrate and parade evil as good and good as evil. Therefore many Christians are increasingly tempted to become sympathetic or supportive of homosexuality and transgenderism.
A few days ago, a person sent me a message asking:
“On the topic of sin and homosexuality I wanted your Biblical perspective as I work with many gay married people and I never know how to respond. [I] understand the Bible says acting on homosexual behavior is a sin same as hating your neighboor. [I] understand the Bible defines marriage as a man and women. So then how are homosexuals who have come to Christ then to carry out there lives? Are they to watch heterosexual people have marriages and families only bc the Bible defined it that way? Seems heart breaking.”
Judging from some of the comments by professing Christians on my recent Instagram post about homosexuality, many professing Christians are tempted to disagree with what the Bible says about homosexuality and LGBTQ issues.
According to the Pew Research Center, 54% of professing Christians believe homosexuality “should be accepted”, and only 38% believe it should be discouraged.
This is because many professing Christians believe they love LGBTQ people more than God does.
In my reply to the person who messaged me about homosexuality, I suggested it isn’t heartbreaking to suffer for Christ—it’s more heartbreaking to suffer for sin.
It’s not heartbreaking when people deny themselves from homosexuality—it’s heartbreaking when people deny Christ for homosexuality. It’s heartbreaking when anyone—including me—denies Christ for sexual sin.
It’s hard, not heartbreaking, to follow Christ. Jesus said:
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:24)
It’s not heartbreaking when LGBTQ people gain Christ and lose the whole world. It’s heartbreaking when they gain whole world and lose Christ.
But too often, we hate LGBTQ people too much to tell them that. The Bible says, [love] does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth (1 Corinthians 13:6).
It’s not loving to lie to LGBTQ people. It’s not loving to encourage people to commit sexual sin. It’s not loving to encourage people to reject who God made them to be. God created us as male or female because He loves us. He commands us to be fruitful and multiply because He loves us. He created Eve for Adam because he loves Adam. And he created Adam for Eve because he loves Eve.
God created women to be “helpers fit for” men because he loves men and women. He didn’t create men to be “helpers fit for” men. And He didn’t create women to be “helpers fit for” women. That’s because He loves us. Therefore, we hate LGBTQ people when we encourage them to be what God hasn’t created or loved them to be.
If we refuse to tell LGBTQ people the truth, we’re refusing to love them. If we want to love LGBTQ people (and all sinners) like God does, we would tell them suffering temporarily in this world by obeying God is better than suffering forever in hell by disobeying God.
The Bible doesn’t whisper about sexual sin. God doesn’t whisper about His hatred for homosexuality and transgenderism—because He doesn’t whisper about His love and grace for repentant LGBTQ people.
God loves LGBTQ people more than we do. So let’s believe what He says in the Bible. After all, if we do not believe what the Bible says, we do not believe in Jesus Christ.
Originally published at Slow to Write.
Samuel Sey is a Ghanaian-Canadian who lives in Brampton, a city just outside of Toronto. He is committed to addressing racial, cultural, and political issues with biblical theology, and always attempts to be quick to listen and slow to speak.