Government Shutdown: The Biggest Problem In Our Government Is Congress
I've been reluctant to post anything political for some time now. My political views are not open for discussion here, but my disappointment in our government, and particularly Congress, is. We are dangerously close to a government shutdown because of the Congress's inability to pass a spending bill. This will cut off money that keeps our country operating. Millions will be furloughed, vital health programs will close, social security, veterans programs, and even our military will loose funding. We, as a country, cannot afford to lose these services. They are vital to the health, well being, and security of this nation.
The problem, as usual in Congress, is Senators and Representatives tie one issue to another. They use their vote to gain leverage for their particular view on other issues. In my opinion a budget is a budget and should be addressed as such. Building a wall, voting on DACA, immigration, healthcare, etc. are all separate issues that should be addressed on their own merit. One should have nothing to do with the other. This goes for virtually all legislation. The spoiled brats in Congress, our Senators and Representatives, always fight over legislation, withholding their precious vote if they don't get something in return. This has negative effects, stalls vital legislation and adds to our already staggering debt. The very people we entrust to work on our behalf are our worst enemies. It reminds one of the little kid in the neighborhood who owns a football. He demands to be quarterback or he will take his ball and go home. He gets his way or everyone suffers. The same thing happens in our Congress, and is happening right now as you read this.
I believe it's time for Congress to start addressing issues separately. That's their job. If they can't get the job done, then we don't need them. Some solutions might be, in reference to the budget, hiring a non-partisan civilian panel of financial experts to craft a budget that Congress HAS to work within. Much like our budget at home that we all use. We only spend what we have and no more. We make do with what we have. Other issues that get dead-locked, such as immigration, DACA, healthcare, etc. could be put on a ballot or public referendum. Let's all vote on them and the majority wins! No leverage, no holding one program hostage to sneak another through... we vote on one at a time until we get everything fixed.
The biggest problem in our government is Congress itself. The childish people that hold the most important positions, and votes. They have the power to get things done, or destroy us. That is too much power to give to a handful of bickering, egotistical, pompous, windbags.