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How can we unleash our true potential?


To fully reveal ourselves, to be authentically who we are, is not only a human desire but also a divine purpose woven into our existence by God. From the beginning of creation, God intended for us to understand and embrace our unique potential, gifted to us by Him.

Despite this intention, many of us find ourselves grappling with insecurities, doubts and a persistent desire to be someone else. We fear revealing our true selves, apprehensive of judgment or rejection. However, the truth remains: wishing, praying or trying to be somebody else won’t work. Our potential is uniquely ours, and God calls us to recognize and utilize this gift in obedience to Him.

Discovering divine purpose through insecurity and imperfection

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In the Bible, we encounter Moses, who while he was chosen by God for a significant purpose, struggled with self-doubt and insecurity. Confronted by the burning bush and called to lead the Israelites out of slavery, Moses questioned his own adequacy for the task.

When God entrusted Moses with an extraordinary mission, his reaction wasn't that of eager anticipation or unwavering confidence. Instead, he responded, “Who am I to stand before Pharaoh? Who am I to guide the people of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11). Moses required considerable persuasion to believe he was capable of such an important task.

Although he was 80 years old and content with his life, Moses found himself in the unfamiliar territory of the desert, far from the Promised Land. His apprehensions persisted, but God reassured Moses that he wouldn't be alone on this journey, even when faced with the daunting prospect of revealing himself as God's chosen messenger. According to Exodus 4:12, God promised to be with Moses every step of the way, giving him the words to speak.

In spite of Moses’ initial hesitancy, God asked him a compelling question: “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2). He then empowered Moses to transform his shepherd's staff into a serpent and back again. Next, God instructed Moses to place his hand under his robe, which emerged afflicted with leprosy and covered in boils. With another gesture, the hand was swiftly restored to health. It was clear that God had already provided Moses with everything he needed to lead his people.

To discover our divine purpose and potential, we too should reflect on the ways in which God has already equipped and empowered us to fulfill our potential. Instead of dwelling on limitations or inadequacies, let’s consider God’s question, “What is that in your hand?”

Asking ourselves questions like, “What gifts do I have? What am I passionate about? What resources do I possess?” These questions will lead us to unleash what we already have in our hands — unique opportunities and potential.

Moses’ journey serves as a reminder that greatness often emerges from the depths of human vulnerability and imperfection. Despite his doubts, God assured Moses that he would not walk alone on the journey; divine guidance and provision would accompany him every step of the way. Similarly, God equips each of us with the tools and abilities necessary to fulfill our unique callings.

Embracing our uniqueness through honest self-reflection

In our quest for self-realization, we often find ourselves comparing our abilities and circumstances to those of others, succumbing to the belief that greatness is reserved for a select few. However, the story of Moses challenges this notion, reminding us that even the most revered figures in history were, at their core, human — flawed and vulnerable. Wishing, praying or trying to be somebody else won’t work. Our potential is ours alone.

Moses' reluctance to accept his calling highlights the importance of self-awareness and assessment in fulfilling our purpose. Rather than shying away from our weaknesses or inadequacies, we’re called to confront them with honesty and humility. By embracing our authentic selves — strengths, weaknesses, and all — we open ourselves to the transformative power of God's grace and guidance.

Self-awareness serves as a foundation for personal growth and fulfillment, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with clarity and purpose. Instead of dwelling on our perceived shortcomings, we are invited to take note of the gifts we possess, the experiences we have undergone and the passions that ignite our soul. These elements serve as a compass, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of our unique potential and purpose.

Furthermore, embracing our authentic selves empowers us to overcome the fear of inadequacy that often holds us back from pursuing our dreams. Just as God reassured Moses of his presence and provision, we can find confidence in knowing that we are never alone in our endeavors. God walks alongside us, providing us with everything we need to fulfill our calling.

Unlocking potential

In a world that often demands conformity and perfection, embracing our authentic selves becomes an act of resistance — an affirmation of our inherent worth and value in the eyes of God. It is in embracing our authenticity that we unlock the boundless potential within, stepping boldly into the purpose for which we were created.

We can’t deny our unique destiny. God loves us too much to allow us to stay hidden and unfulfilled. He knows our proficiencies, passions, personalities and pasts; He knows our potential.

Pastor Troy Gramling and his wife Stephanie have led Potential Church for more than 20 years — a fast-growing church with more than 20,000 members at locations in the United States and Latin America. A former teacher and college basketball coach, Gramling is passionate about partnering with people to reach their God-given potential to impact the world for good. Gramling’s latest book, “Potential: The Uncontainable Power of God Within You” will release on June 11, 2024.

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