I Am Grateful My Mom Chose Life

This week, in Washington D.C., the March for Life will be held on the national mall. The theme this year is 'love saves lives,' and because of the promises in God's word, and my personal experience, I have no doubt this is true. Love includes all races, religions and political affiliations. The Bible is clear that this kind of love begins with God's plan and intention for every human being he creates. In Psalm 139:13, David exclaims "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb" (NLT). God's love for each person begins before they come out of the womb, and his design for each life is carefully thought out. In Jeremiah 1:5, God revealed that he knew us before we were fully formed in our mother's womb, and prior to our birth, he set us apart and appointed us for a purpose. Ever since the passage of Roe v. Wade, society has increasingly tried to deny this truth, by using deception to entice young women to believe that they are only aborting non-viable cells. I know from the story of my sister's life, that this is not the truth.
My 23-year-old sister is a registered nurse, who has an immense heart, full of compassion and a desire to serve those in need. She also has a passion for life. Countless people have shared with me their stories of how they have been moved by her kindness and sensitivity to their needs during a time of distress. No one would guess that her life began when she and her identical twin were emergently delivered at the 27th gestational week. Prior to their delivery, my mom began experiencing contractions during the 19th week of this pregnancy. She was immediately placed on strict bed rest in the hospital setting. The doctors told my mother that the probability that the babies would survive to viability was dismal. Others might have chosen to abort the babies after hearing this disheartening prognosis. Not my mom. She chose to love these babies and fight for their lives.
Due to an excessive amount of repeated amniotic fluid build-up, one twin was pinned against the wall of the womb, while the other twin floated in an abnormal amount of fluid. When the amniotic fluid reached a certain level, my mom would go into labor. Consequently, a procedure known as an amniotic reduction was performed 15 times before the twins reached 27 weeks. During this procedure, a three-and-a-half-inch needle was introduced into the womb. As the doctor would conduct this procedure, an ultrasound was performed simultaneously, so that the doctor could guide the needle to the exact location necessary to drain the fluid. My mom was able to see the response of both babies each time the needle was introduced. Twin A would raise her arm and bat at the needle, as if to defend herself and twin B from an unknown intruder. This response was not a one-time fluke. This baby girl engaged in this defense mechanism each time the needle was introduced.
Twelve hours after their 27-week delivery, Christy Nicole, twin A, passed away. God used this baby in mighty ways even while she was in the womb to protect and comfort her twin sister. She beautifully fulfilled God's purpose for her life. After three and half months and six major surgeries, my other sister Brianna Marie, twin B, was released to go home. For the next six years, many people worked with Brianna to help her overcome various difficult challenges she faced from being premature. Today, she is a beautiful woman who has exceeded all the doctor's expectations. Her passion for life inspires those she cares for, as she encourages and reminds them that their life is worth fighting for.
I am so grateful that my mom chose life, as so many other's lives would not be the same without God's purpose being fulfilled through Brianna's life. I march for life because in many states, my sisters could have been legally aborted at 27 weeks gestation. It is my hope and desire that through the powerful stories and testimonies shared at the March for Life event, my generation will see the intrinsic value, purpose and love God has for each life. The most loving option is to choose life. I am sure Brianna would agree.