Illegal Immigration: Death Is the Cost of Doing Business

In 2000, Wayne LaPierre told ABC News he believed President Clinton was willing to accept "a certain level of killing to further his political (gun control) agenda."
Agree or disagree with LaPierre, it's an indisputable fact that many on the left and right are willing to allow a certain level of killing of Americans because to stop it would impede their political and/or business agenda.
The day after the Super Bowl, the Colts' Edwin Jackson and his Uber driver, Jeffrey Monroe, were both run over by a drunken-driving, twice-deported illegal alien.
To say that these are needless deaths is a gross understatement. And whenever there is an epidemic of needless deaths, important people rush to microphones to express their outrage and horror at the situation.
People get upset at preventable deaths. For instance:
• Nancy Pelosi in 2017, said "hundreds of thousands of people would die" if the GOP health bill passed.
• Economist Larry Summers said 10,000 people would die annually from the GOP tax bill.
• Sen. Feinstein warned people would die if the government shut down.
I'm still waiting for the headline: "Widespread tax relief and employee bonuses bring avalanche of death and human misery."
On the other hand, people actually do die at the hands of some (not all) people in the country illegally. What are the responses of our fearless leaders for the killing of Jackson and Monroe? Here you go:
George W. Bush: No comment on killings of Jackson or Monroe this week. But this elitist patrician who never criticized Obama, criticized his president Thursday on foreign soil. Why? Because Trump wants to stop illegal immigration. Bush said, "Americans don't want to pick cotton at 105 degrees." Exceptionally ignorant statement. My daddy didn't have a Kennebunkport compound, and I loved digging ditches in college when it was 105 degrees because it was honest labor and money. Oh – and cotton picking has been mechanized since the late 1960s!
Nancy Pelosi: No comment. On Kate Steinle? "We need more gun control, and we shouldn't let George Bush ... errrr ... George Trump stop us! Tax bill is Armageddon for illegal, umm, crumbs – that's what the bonuses are – crumbs. My grandson wishes he was brown like his Guatemalan friend." She did stand for eight hours speaking not for Americans murdered by illegals, but in support of illegals.
Sens. Dianne Feinstein/Chuck Schumer/Dick Durbin: "We need a clean DACA bill. Because "dreamers" are better than Americans in Every. Possible. Way."
John McCain: No comment on the deaths but he did introduce a bill to give DACA amnesty. In 2006 he did say, "I'll build the God-d–ned fence if they want it." Borders seem to make him angry.
Lindsey Graham: Nothing about the killings this week, but he said, "We're not going to build a 1,900-mile wall." He is very passionate about amnesty and strangely passionate about working with Durbin and Schumer.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Illegals are cheap labor, often off the books, so we oppose ever solving this problem. Deaths? We're not a law enforcement agency or EMS. Not our problem.
If pressed, some will make a valiant attempt to explain that the problem is not illegal aliens. An illegal who kills someone while driving drunk is an "alcohol abuse" problem. An illegal who shoots someone is a "gun-control" problem (Pelosi's real-life response to Steinle's murder). And, of course, we hear all the time that Americans break the law with more frequency than illegals.
Two fallacies argued that cost American lives:
1) Americans drive drunk, too.
Sorry. The formula is simple: No illegal aliens would mean Jackson and Monroe would still be alive.
"But a drunk American could've done the same ..."
We will always have to deal with Americans who break the law. But the government's job is to make sure our citizens don't have to fear bad actors from other countries on U.S. soil. We fought two world wars to keep bad actors from unlawfully entering (invading) other countries.
Every murder by an illegal alien would not have happened if the federal government did its job.
2) Illegals commit fewer crimes.
False. Why would any thinking person conclude that someone who is here illegally (against the law) would have an amazing reverence for the sanctity of all of our other laws? One example: recent studies have shown in the case of Arizona, illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born Americans.
So illegals commit more crimes than citizens (common sense), and an illegal who isn't here commits no crime.
The left ignores deaths at the hands of illegals because they want new Democratic Party voters. They don't get upset about the killings; they do get upset if someone brings up the killings.
The right, big business and tech moguls (like Mark Zuckerberg, who has a six-foot wall around his Hawaii vacation home) ignore deaths at the hands of illegal immigrants because they want cheap labor.
So, these groups view the deaths of Americans as a cost of gaining power and doing business, and we are nowhere near a death toll that would alarm them.
But a death toll of one citizen murdered by an illegal per year is one too many. That's one mother/father/son/daughter gone forever. Those people would not have died if there were no illegals.
Bottom line: Because the immeasurable cost to the families of citizens like Jackson and Monroe, we should never tolerate illegal immigration.