The Antichrist's Arrival Is As Sure As the Rising of the Sun

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." - Revelation 13: 1
We have cameras that show us what is behind our cars to help us back up. Cameras are in our house and on the streets. We want to see every detail of every news story, thus we expect news teams to capture every subtle nuance of current events. But who is seeing the bigger picture.
What is happening to our world?
This panoramic is left to the analysts and prognosticators to figure out and we give them no more credence than we give the guy next door with a strong opinion of what it all means.
Political ideologies and religious beliefs seem too diverse and unapproachable to most, so a commonality is sought. Out of this is born political correctness, suspension of moral codes and a general commonality that declares that man will succeed when they have all things in common.
It is the re-birth of the Tower of Babel, but with a modern touch. This time it is going to work.
The only thing lacking in the plan to reduce everything to its least common denominator is a leader, ruler, despot, dictator or father figure to lead us into the well prophesied delusion.
We hear about such a person from the purveyors of Biblical prophecy (eschatologists) and like most things religious, we take it all with the proverbial grain of salt.
But those days are gone. Civilization has turned the corner, now we stand beckoning, for someone who will pull it all together.
He is well on his way.
The man is called the "Antichrist" and his arrival is as sure as the rising of the sun.
He will succeed without firing a shot. He will change the times and the seasons and for a while (7 years) he will coerce all humanity to enter an economic system that promises to lift us all out of poverty, confusion and want. It is a ruse that when fully affianced, will lead to the death of millions.
He is the last Hitler, the great shining hope that leaves the world in a state of hopelessness.
We would rather heed the rules of fools than give credence to the word of the living God. We know that you must never hit seventeen when you play against the black jack dealer, but we don't mind exposing our entire future, temporal and eternal, to the meanderings of the ignorant, the atheists and doubtful agnostics.
We play our lives like we play a game. We are willing to take a chance that the prophets are wrong, as long as today is not interrupted too much, by the warnings of tomorrow. The odds be damned we say, but it is we that will be damned for our own willful refusal to see the obvious.
The judgment of mankind is coming like a roaring train speeding to its final destination. It is set upon two strong tracks of hardened steel. One track is the refusal to see the promise of and the full nature of the coming ruler.
The other track is the cunning incremental changes that the god of this world (Satan) has laid upon mankind with great subtlety and craft in this last generation. The "Z" generation has been aptly named by the use of the last letter in the English alphabet. He is the end of everything we have known to date.
What can be known about the Antichrist is fully disclosed in scripture.
What can be known about our acceptance of him is made known by the unfolding of our own history.
What Antichrist is and does
Serious Questions and Answers on the Coming of Antichrist
America and The Anti-Christ – America will it submit to the world's last dictator?
Antichrist – There's an App for That: Or There Soon Will Be
The Antichrist comes at a perfectly favorable moment of time
In his new book "Origins," Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code, asserts that God will soon become obsolete and will be replaced completely by the world's "collective consciousness." In fact, he has pretty much hit the nail on the head, however, that is what Antichrist uses among other things, to gain full acceptance.
He fully embodies secularisms philosophy. Man will pull himself up by his own bootstraps and he will represent the very best of man in every way.
But secularisms best is about to meet bible prophecy head to head.
The mistake the world makes is to place biblical prophecy in the realm of conjecture, prediction or mere aspiring prognostication. Bible prophecy is a promise made by God of exactly what will happen, it contains no speculation and is not subject to chance.
Brown and those like him will stand at the last day with their jaws dropped and their minds blown. Not one of their stylized meanderings will have a chance at happening and the Antichrist is part of the reason why.
Antichrist has more than military, political and economic savvy; in fact, he is directly connected (possessed) by the god of this present world (Satan) and has all the wisdom of the world at his disposal.
He will look, act and perform in a pleasing and attractive way. The twist comes after be begins to kill and destroy on a level unknown in our entire history. When the pincers are set, the grip cannot be loosened and the world will meet with the full wrath of God at the end of Antichrist's brief, but tumultuous and deadly rule.
Any student of eschatology (second coming doctrine) can tell us what Antichrist is, but who he is and where he is will be a matter of history, a history that is very near. Most biblical scholars and eschatologist believe that he is alive today and will shortly be revealed to the world.
"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." (2 Thess 2: 8-10 NIV)
In the New International Version of the bible Antichrist is referred to as the "lawless one" but in the KJV version he is called the "wicked one." Both these terms are legitimately interchangeable because while he is lawless that does not mean that anarchy as we now understand it spreads across the globe. He makes himself the law. And because he is totally wicked his laws allow everything that God has declared sinful as long as he as he alone retains his place as the supreme ruler of the world.
The push toward everything sinful, immoral and wicked is a full generation underway; it is conditioning the world to receive Antichrist with open arms. This is no legend – this is our future.
How the world beckons for him to come
The list of national and worldwide backward trends and full blown apostasies are far too extensive to list in full. Here is a cross section.
What is clear is that there is a sweep or wave of nations that are willing to break every principle and mandate of their own constitutional law along with every known teaching of the bible, Old or New Testament.
- In America we are still killing un-born babies at the rate of nearly 4000 per day.
- Hollywood has at last become a waste treatment facility that is operating in reverse dumping Godlessness, porn, violence and idiocy into any media they can get their hands on. And now the full truth about the proverbial "casting couch" is out of the bag.
- 2017 will be known as the year that statesmanship died in disgrace as congressmen and senators are being charged with groping, indecent exposure and general indecency – and now we find American taxpayers are footing the bill to hush it all up.
- Drag queens are now reading stories to elementary school children in full regalia.
- An author has released his new book just in time for Christmas featuring Santa, a black man, married to a white man.
- France is seeking to lower the sexual age of consent to 13. No this is not a typo – age 13.
- Almost all of Europe, many in America and every Muslim country in the world still think Palestine was an ancient nation which is now being occupied by Israel. A lie that could be uncovered with about one hour of serious investigation has become the rap for the whole world.
- Homosexuality and all of the other modern perversions have come into vogue even though there is a tremendous price to pay in poor health, mental breakdown, suicide and judgment from God.
- Australia is about to vote on same sex marriage because a poll showed that over sixty percent of the Aussies are OK with it.
- People are happily lining up like dogs to voluntarily receive a chip implant. While they insist the promise that Antichrist will mark or chip them in order to control them, they march blissfully down the road to their own destruction.
The Apostle Paul made it clear that one of the most important signs of the last days would be that men would succeed at giving God the boot from all their affairs. They will not only succeed, but a state of abject reprobation would ensue in equal and direct proportion to their efforts.
Reprobation is a state of "living judgment" which means they have been given up. Worldwide reprobation is the call to Antichrist to take his place in our history. It is the nation's beckoning to him to lead them in their last hurrah.
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient." (Ro 1: 28)