US broken immigration system: Are they going after Christians?

There are signs in the yards of some of the more “liberal” neighbors in my town that say, among other things, “no human is illegal.” That seems to align with the current concept of border protection that has now allowed over 1.5 million folks across our southernmost boundary in the past three years. Mind you, that is just an estimate because no one really knows how many have come over illegally.
Compounding the problem is that a vast portion of the ones who have crossed over under the watchful eye of Washington are now “missing” because they simply were not documented before being released into the heartland to roam freely and unobstructed. Apparently, there are so many of these folks that the various agencies just don’t have the time to keep up with them all.
While these statistics should be of concern to every citizen as well as to those immigrants who have attempted to come into our country in a legal manner, there are some additional undercurrents that should give great pause, particularly to those who hold Christian values.
A recent news story revealed that due to some “procedural changes” illegal migrants are going to be able to get their green cards first as thousands of faith leaders are to be deported. The article focused on the plight of Torbon Sondergaard, who fled with his family from Denmark with only their suitcases because of religious persecution. They entered America through proper channels and have been allowed to remain until this past June when Torbon was arrested by the Joint Terrorism Task Force and ultimately deported after being held in custody for over a year because he had overstayed his visa.
Speaking about this matter at a House subcommittee hearing in July, U.S. Rep. Caly Higgin (R-La.) stated that Sondergaard “... is a legal immigrant from Denmark, came to our country legally, applied for asylum properly and [had] no criminal charges. He was arrested for overstaying his visa. He's been incarcerated and in solitary confinement for over one year. He's been persecuted by this administration and targeted, we believe because he's an evangelical Christian minister.”
Believing in the promise of America, the Sondergaard family tried to do everything right and yet were targeted for harsh treatment by a government seemingly intent on allowing everyone else into our country. Maybe Congressman Higgin is right in his assessment.
Likewise, another family with a similar plight was highlighted in a recent report. This time it involves the Romeike family who fled their native Germany and fought unsuccessfully for religious asylum to homeschool their children. Apparently, the Romeike children were pulled from the public school system in their home country over concerns that the dictated curriculum was “warping their children’s personalities and attacked ‘family values.’”
Sound familiar?
Additionally, Germany effectively bans homeschooling or any other curriculum that doesn’t coincide with what is promulgated by government dictates. Despite having lived legally in the United States for over 15 years, apparently with the government’s blessing, they are now facing deportation next month. In 2014 they were granted “deferred action” status under the Obama administration. Yet, “earlier this month, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer told the family they had four weeks to apply for German passports ahead of their deportation — with zero explanation for the sudden expulsion,” according to the report.
Speaking of the Romeike case, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) penned a letter this past week to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that said in part,“ As millions of illegal immigrants flood across our southern border and disappear into our country, your immigration authorities have chosen to punish a family who has built their lives in Tennessee within the legal parameters of our immigration system.”
Fortunately, through the yeoman efforts of the Home School Legal Defense Association, the Biden Administration bowed to intense public and Congressional pressure and has currently rescinded the immediate deportation order. However, based on the one-year “stay” order, the Romeike family will potentially have to face this whole sordid scenario at the end of that time period. At this point, it does appear that there is at least a short-lived victory if nothing more.
Unfortunately, these do not appear to be isolated events. There is, however, a disturbing pattern being played out through these controversies as our government chooses to expend its resources against Christians instead of focusing on the mass invasion of unknowns coming across the Southern border. At Southern Evangelical Seminary we are keenly aware of increased attacks on religious freedom in our country. Many would like to lay the total blame for these assaults against the most basic of our freedoms at the feet of the Biden administration or whoever is in control in Washington these days.
While that may or may not be the case, the truth is that the “powers of darkness” have set their sights on anyone who would name the name of Christ and truly mean it. Make no mistake, persecution is at hand, and Christ followers should take heed and become involved and at the same time prepare themselves for what is to come.
It is quite understandable that there will be those who will quickly disregard this claim and label it as nothing more than a conspiracy theory. However, when a theory, whether formed in conspiracy or not, becomes fact, then it turns into a fulfilled prophecy, and it is playing out right before our eyes. If our religious liberty is diluted or taken away, can any of our freedoms be safe?
Wake up America, before it’s too late.
After a distinguished career as both a lawyer and a judge, Judge Phil Ginn retired as the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge for the 24th Judicial District in North Carolina. Over the course of his 22-year judicial career, he was privileged to hold court in almost 50% of the county seats in North Carolina. Currently, Judge Ginn serves as the president of Southern Evangelical Seminary.