Why Should Christians Support President Trump's Historic Effort to Establish the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem?

What an exciting day to be alive and be a Christian! We are seeing God's history book—the Bible--open in front of our very eyes.
In 1995, the 104th U.S. Congress overwhelmingly passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, in recognition of the three thousandth anniversary of the spiritual and eternal Capitol of the State of Israel. Now, we may finally witness one of the most spiritually and politically significant events in modern history. President Donald Trump implemented one of the most biblically historic initiatives of his presidency by recognizing Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel and allowing the Jerusalem Embassy Act to go into effect this week.
Like many Jews in Israel and around the world, Christians recognize the Jew's biblical connection through King David's establishment of Jerusalem as the capitol of ancient Israel and the location for both the first and second Temples. According to the prophets, Ezekiel, Isaiah and the Apostle John in the New Testament, all Israel awaits the rebuilding of the Third Temple.
Like Judaism, Christianity believes that the Messiah will one day sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem. Even Islam recognizes the spiritual significance of Jerusalem to the Jewish people. In the Muslim Supreme Council's publication, 'A Brief Guide to the Haram Al-Sharif' (1925 edition, page 4), it speaks about Jerusalem's Temple Mount stating that, "its identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which 'David built there an altar unto the Lord, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings.'" This quote can also be found in 2 Samuel 24:25.
Biblically, as Christians, we will stand before The Almighty and be held accountable for what we do, or don't do for Israel and our Jewish brethren. In Genesis 12:3; God told Abraham, " I will bless those who bless you, and he who curses you, I will curse, and all the nations of the world shall bless themselves by you."
Over the last twelve years, many Christians have been actively engaged in urging President Trump, previous administrations and Congress to allow the Jerusalem Embassy Act to go into effect.
In closing, as evangelicals, we believe that the Covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants is still intact. That land includes Jerusalem, the city where He said He would put His name (2 Chronicles 6:6). If we were to view the city of Jerusalem from a satellite in space, we would see the Hebrew letter, Shin – ש, engraved in the topography of the mountain. Many Christians ask me why we should be involved in ensuring that the U.S. Embassy be moved to Jerusalem, and I remind them that the USA is in the heart of Jerusalem – where else should our embassy be?
Laurie Cardoza-Moore is the President/Founder of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations.