Bob Louder

Christian Post Contributor


  • All About ID Theft

    In the course of a busy day, you may write a check at the grocery store, charge tickets to a ball game, rent a car, mail your tax returns, change service providers for your cell phone, or apply for a credit card. In each transaction, you reveal bits of personal information, like your bank and credit card account numbers; your income; your Social Security number (SSN); or your name, address, and phone

  • Stewardship

    True stewardship begins when you acknowledge that God is the true owner of everything. Remember what the Psalmist says... “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it...” (Psalms 24:1).

  • Checks That Are Not Checks

    Have you paid by check at WalMart lately? If you have you know that when you gave them your check, then they gave it right back.

  • Elderly Economics: Living Well In Your Golden Years

    It used to be that to be old meant you were poor. This isn’t necessarily so today. According to the American College, the majority of men and women are out of the labor force by age 62. However, more than 88 percent of people 65 and older continue to have incomes above the poverty level.

  • Beware Of Living Trust Offers

    Good money management includes some estate planning. Estate planning is not only for the rich and famous. Yet, not all aspects of estate planning make sense for everyone. Here is one estate planning technique you NEED to know about.

  • Wealth

    God’s Word contains two financial principles that we should apply to every economic decision we ever make. The first is wealth.

  • How to Identify and Break Poor Financial Habits

    Welcome back to the “Financial Freedom—God’s Way!” Let me ask you a question. How do you get rid of a bad habit? The answer has two parts.

  • Financial Freedom—God’s Way

    Is your relationship with God stressed because whenever you sit down to read the Bible or pray, all you can think about are money problems? Do you and those close to you argue over money? Are your credit cards maxed out?