Brian Hutt
Christian Today Reporter
Britain Must Recover Its Judeo-Christian Discourse, Says Bishop Nazir-Ali
Writing in the National Review on Monday, the former Bishop of Rochester said British Prime Minister David Cameron was right to criticize the doctrine of multiculturalism in his recent speech at the Munich Security Conference.
Church Leaders Condemn Moscow Airport Bombing
In a telegram to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the Pope spoke of his \"profound pain and firm condemnation\" of the attack and \"his feelings of spiritual closeness and heartfelt condolences to the victims\' families.\"
Churches Reach Out to Victims of Brazil Flood Devastation
Torrential rains in the mountainous area around Rio de Janeiro have triggered one of Brazil\'s worst ever natural disasters, with more than 400 people still missing and an estimated 20,000 people now homeless.
Whole-Life Discipleship May Come at Great Cost, Says UK Christian
Being a whole-life disciple in Britain today may come at great cost to Christians, says Nigel Hopper of the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity.
Man Sentenced to Death for Killing Coptic Christians in Egypt
A Muslim man was sentenced to death by an Egyptian state security court on Sunday for his part in killing Coptic Christians.
Christian Agencies Respond to Flood Crises in Asia, Brazil
With Sri Lanka facing its worst natural disaster since the 2004 tsunami, Christian aid agencies are providing emergency relief to those affected by heavy monsoon rains.
Christians Offer Prayers as Sudan Voters Head to Polls
Christians around the world are praying for Sudan as Southern Sudanese begin Sunday a seven-day referendum to vote whether to remain united with the North or become independent.
Bethlehem Still the Center of Christian Spirituality, Says Minister
People in the West Bank may be suffering but Christmas remains a time of joy and celebration for Christians in and around Bethlehem, says one leader.
Second 'Homosexuality is a Sin' Preacher Awarded Damages for Wrongful Arrest
Christian street preacher Dale Mcalpine is to receive more than $10,000 in damages after police in Cumbria, England, admitted wrongful arrest, unlawful imprisonment and a breach of his human rights.
Report Reveals Increasing Marginalization of Christians in Europe
A Vienna-based watchdog released a new report where it voiced concern over the ability of Christians in Europe to publicly express their faith. It warned that discriminatory laws were preventing the equal exercise of freedom in the areas of speech, conscience and religion