Chuck Colson
Live to Serve
I said earlier in the week that my new year's resolution is to live every day as my last. And to my last breath, God help me, I'll live to serve.
Persecution in Iraq
Finally, a major news outlet reports on the persecution of Iraqi Christians. But I have to wonder if the Administration is reading the headlines.
Living for God, Not for Me
Looking forward to the New Year, what topic comes to my mind? Dying. And dying daily.
Oprah Gets One Right
I always tell people that when they read a book to keep their eyes open for Christian themes. But I never thought I\'d say they could find them on Oprah\'s book list.
Divine Aid for Climate Change
I guess climate change is nothing a Mayan goddess can\'t solve. At least that\'s what the U.N. thinks.
Adios, Christmas
Want to control peoples\' minds? Simply control the words they use -- or don\'t use.
The Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Less then 25 percent of the members of Congress have served in the military. But when it came to \"Don\'t Ask, Don\'t Tell,\" they've told combat soldiers, \"Too bad.\"
Participate in a Miracle
Let me tell you about a Christmas miracle. And how you can be part of one through Angel Tree.
Money, Greed and God
Is capitalism the cause - or solution - to our economic mess? One new book gives a compelling answer.
Capitol Hill Follies
It\'s crystal clear now nobody in Washington really cares about the deficit. The Democrats got their stimulus, and the Republicans got some tax cuts