Craig Parshall
The 'MIA' Church on Unreality TV
There will be a controversial new reality TV program this fall about church pastors. The only problem is the "church" will be "missing in action."
Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage: Liberty or Bondage?
When the Supreme Court issued its two major decisions on same-sex unions, it meted out two defeats to proponents of biblical marriage, one substantive and one procedural
Hate By Another Name
This week, I was perusing a Facebook page authored by former adherents to Islam who decided to leave it and who are now following Jesus.
Separation of Church and IRS
Amidst the flurry of recent reports that a large number of Tea Party non-profits had been mercilessly grilled by IRS agents as part of a mine sweep for conservative organizations, news has also surfaced that National Religious Broadcaster member groups had also been caught up in this dragnet.
Flowering Faith, Dwindling Freedom
There is an intriguing, and troubling connection between a flower shop in the State of Washington and the comments by President Obama at the recent Planned Parenthood conclave. Here is how I connect the dots, starting with the comments by the President.
The Marriage Penalty
During the arguments before the Supreme Court over same-sex marriage last week, it struck me that what may end up mattering most in the dispute in these two cases over gay unions was addressed the least.
The Casualties of Free Expression in America
Mr. Zuckerberg, as well as Google's former CEO Eric Schmidt, and Apple's innovative genius, the late Steve Jobs, have all praised, at various times, the concept of expressive "openness" on Internet platforms. Yet, ironically, all three – Facebook, Google and Apple – have been tools of censorship against Christian ideas.