Dan Delzell
When 'King Science' and King Jesus Collide
Christians regularly point to scientific evidence in our efforts to encourage people to believe God exists, and ultimately, to believe in Christ as Savior. But not everyone is convinced by the evidence. Not by a long shot. In fact, some unbelievers actually seem to resent it when Christians use science while attempting to lead people to God. So what's really going on here?
South Carolina's Healing Springs Point to Paradise
What if there was a spring of water right here in the United States which contained supernatural healing power? Some folks seem to think such a spring actually exists, and that it is located in Blackville, South Carolina. In order to reach this fountain of youth, you must drive about an hour south of Columbia, and then enter the woods in your quest to reach these natural springs.
Why Genuine Miracles Don't Sway Every Unbeliever
Some people simply refuse to be swayed in the direction of Christianity, even in the face of an obvious miracle. But that really shouldn't surprise us. There were people who personally witnessed the miracles of Christ, and yet still managed to persist in their unbelief. They dug in their heels even in the presence of God's supernatural demonstrations. And if they could cling to their unbelief with the Messiah standing right in front of them, anyone can do it.
A World Without Christmas Would Be Hopeless
G.K. Chesterton wrote, "To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless." And if there is one thing everyone needs, it is genuine hope.
Jewish Scholars Have Historically Looked to Bethlehem
As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, it is interesting to note that Bethlehem has a rich Messianic significance in Judaism. Not only did the Jewish scribes in Jesus' day understand Bethlehem's destiny, but so did Jewish scholars prior to Christ's birth, and after the Lord's resurrection.
Faithful Christians Are Not Immune to Agitation
I received a lengthy e-mail recently from a Christian in Wales. Having experienced much personal loss in his life, he wrote, "I rarely have peace." At the same time, he described times of worship when God's peace has filled his soul. So is this normal, and perhaps even to be expected in the life of a believer?
Charles Krauthammer and the Beginning of Wisdom
I enjoy listening to Charles Krauthammer. This Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist brilliantly weaves together logic, common sense, and the principles of freedom. Yet for all of his dogmatism in the realm of politics, he doesn't spend much time discussing faith and religion.
A Marriage Tune-Up Requires a Communication Tone Down
The Scottish minister Hugh Blair said, "Gentleness corrects whatever is offensive in our manner." If you doubt that fact, just ask someone who is married. The tone in the home can make or break a marriage. This is why every marriage tune-up requires a communication tone down.
Why Would God Sacrifice His Only Son?
What if your life on earth ultimately boiled down to one simple question? And what if a correct answer to that question made everything else come into focus? You do realize don't you that this is exactly what the Bible and Christianity teach about God. It all boils down to one question. If you get it right, you're home free.
Man's Intelligence Will Never Fix His Immorality
Intellect and morality operate on different tracks. Intellect has to do with knowledge. Morality has to do with motive and behavior.