Daniel Hamlin

Daniel Hamlin

Op-ed contributor


  • As a Californian Christian, I'm asking gov't why but not God

    As a Californian Christian, I'm asking gov't why but not God

    And this, in my opinion, is what is at the center of the frustration and anger coming from Californians.

  • The glory of hardships

    The glory of hardships

    I hope and pray the next time I experience suffering or hardship, I will face it with this same type of eternal perspective.

  • Christmas is all about poverty ... and glory

    Christmas is all about poverty ... and glory

    At the heart of the Christmas story is the story of poverty and glory.

  • The ultimate cure for spiritual apathy

    The ultimate cure for spiritual apathy

    When you look at the countless examples of people that God has used throughout history, there seems to be a common trait with them all. They all responded.

  • Does God ever go silent?

    Does God ever go silent?

    God is speaking because it is part of who He is, part of His nature as God. God is true articulation. But speaking is not the only way God articulates Himself. It would seem then even in silence God is saying something.

  • Set your eyes on Jesus, not on pleasure

    Set your eyes on Jesus, not on pleasure

    Pop culture wants us to believe that we are simply natural, physical beings, and therefore we should seek our answers in only natural, physical solutions. But we are so much more than flesh and blood. We are eternal, created in the image of an eternal God, with an eternal purpose to fulfill. The quicker we realize this truth, the quicker we will start to truly live.

  • The day I didn't listen to God and almost drowned

    The day I didn't listen to God and almost drowned

    No matter what cave we may find ourselves trapped in, whether by our own doing or not, when we call out to Jesus He is there to save us. But if He happens to warn you first, it’s probably best to listen.

  • What does success look like?

    What does success look like?

    Whether I die broke, alone, and in obscurity, or wealthy, famous, and surrounded by loved ones, it should make no difference to me. I’m learning to rest in the knowledge that if I live my life following Jesus wherever He leads me, then I’ll have lived a successful life.

  • What my worst dating fail taught me about hearing God

    What my worst dating fail taught me about hearing God

    I could feel my heart pulsing. Any sense of calm I’d been harboring fled like an outgoing tide. In the Pacific Northwest I experienced a similar feeling looking over the edge of a cliff hundreds of feet above the wild Pacific Ocean. This time the cause was even more intimidating. I was on a blind date.

  • God's Word should always be our filter

    God's Word should always be our filter

    The current global climate has made it very clear to me how important it is for me to filter everything through Scripture.