John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander and Shane Morris

Op-ed contributor


  • Responding to Our 'Pornified' Culture

    Responding to Our 'Pornified' Culture

    Even the secular world is worried about pornography. But without the worldview to fight it, they're at an impasse. This is where the church can help.

  • Baking Cakes for Caesar: Why We Need Freedom to Say 'No'

    Baking Cakes for Caesar: Why We Need Freedom to Say 'No'

    Would Jesus bake cakes for same-sex weddings? It's a good question, but there's more to this whole issue than just WWJD.

  • Bill Nye v. Ken Ham: Why the Creationism Debate Is Just Another Fish War, Won't Change Minds

    Bill Nye v. Ken Ham: Why the Creationism Debate Is Just Another Fish War, Won't Change Minds

    One of the main reasons I finally removed my Creation Museum "TRUTH" ichthus (besides that it was getting old and flaking), is that nobody other than my Creationist friends ever mentioned it. As an evangelistic tool, it floundered. And delving into the marvelous work of Intelligent Design theorists like Dr. Stephen Meyer and others at the Discovery Institute, I came to realize why. The Fish Wars, like "Creation Science" itself, seeks to address one dogmatic category error by substituting an equa

  • The Celebrity Trap: Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pop Stars

    The Celebrity Trap: Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pop Stars

    One of the first times Americans over the age of twelve saw Miley Cyrus on television was an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show. During the Q&A, the 14-year-old Cyrus told Winfrey that her favorite Bible verse was Ephesians 6:10-11: "Finally, my brothers, come close to the Lord for if you put on the full armor of God you can stand against the wiles of the devil."

  • Tim's Place. . . and Ours: Down Syndrome and Our Humanity

    Tim's Place. . . and Ours: Down Syndrome and Our Humanity

    In the very same strip mall I saw the sign for a restaurant called Tim's Place, with the tag line: "breakfast, lunch, and hugs." It just sounded familiar. And then it dawned on me—this was the restaurant I'd heard about before, the one owned by a 26-year-old man with Down syndrome—Tim Harris. You may have heard this story on CNN or seen it on YouTube.

  • Breadwinner Moms: What Is the Media Celebrating?

    Breadwinner Moms: What Is the Media Celebrating?

    When does bad news get trumpeted as "good news"? When a set of facts doesn't fit the prevailing feminist narrative.

  • Jihad Against Egypt's Christians: The US Must Speak Out

    Jihad Against Egypt's Christians: The US Must Speak Out

    In the midst of the chaos, Islamic extremists in Egypt are burning churches and murdering Christians. The U.S. must speak out.

  • Millennials and Mainlines: When 'Relevant' Christianity Is Irrelevant

    Millennials and Mainlines: When 'Relevant' Christianity Is Irrelevant

    If we want Christianity to stay relevant with young people, they say, we've got to rewrite the way we do church, including our songs. Let's think about that.

  • Suffer the Little Children: Genetic Testing and Lives Worth Living

    Suffer the Little Children: Genetic Testing and Lives Worth Living

    Imagine you and your spouse find out you're expecting. Having experienced this moment a few times, I know there's nothing quite like it. Your world changes, and within days, your child's entire biography unfolds in your mind: her first steps, first words, kindergarten, little league, ballet, high school, college, and eventually a young adult who will make you insanely proud. It's all so promising.

  • A Perfect Daughter: Loving a Special Needs Child

    A Perfect Daughter: Loving a Special Needs Child

    When prenatal testing revealed that the White's second child had Down Syndrome, Heath was heartbroken and dreaded her arrival. Heath later understood that his daughter was just as precious as any other child. And he wanted the world to know the same thing.