John Stonestreet and Timothy D. Padgett

Voices Contributors


  • Materialism vs. Reality: A Worldview Just Not Big Enough

    Materialism vs. Reality: A Worldview Just Not Big Enough

    C. S. Lewis observed that the most dangerous ideas in a society are not the ones argued, but the ones assumed. And there's little doubt that in most universities across the United States, secularist materialism, in one form or another, is the assumed and unquestioned perspective from which most subjects are understood and taught.

  • Gosnell and the Abortion License: Incoherence at Its Best

    Among the many offenses of the "abortion license in America" is its incoherence and arbitrariness. Gosnell faced the death penalty for actions which, if they had been performed weeks or even minutes earlier, might not have even been a criminal offense.

  • Collins and Broussard: There's Courage, Then There's Courage

    Collins and Broussard: There's Courage, Then There's Courage

    Now, I'm not interested in questioning Collins's courage. It's likely that this announcement wasn't easy for him. I do think it's worth noting, however, how many pundits and other public figures were tripping over each other to shower him with encouragement, support, and praise. When you get a call from the President of the United States to congratulate you on the step you've just taken, it's a safe guess you really didn't have much to fear in taking it.

  • The Overblown War Between Faith and Science

    The Overblown War Between Faith and Science

    real medical breakthroughs are far more likely to come as the result of research done using adult stem cells. And this leaves an obvious question: Why pursue embryonic stem cell research at all? Given the "ethical blemishes," and the lack of results, why do people still insist on pursuing this moral and scientific dead end?

  • We Hate to Say We Told You So

    We Hate to Say We Told You So

    In a scene from Jurassic Park, Ian Malcolm, the mathematician skeptical about whether the park is a good idea, watches the T-Rex burst out of its enclosure and says, "I hate being right all the time."

  • The Devil They Know: Regime Change and Christian Persecution

    The Devil They Know: Regime Change and Christian Persecution

    Democracy is a good thing, but the persecution of Christians that can result from democracy is not.

  • Making Orphans: Harvesting Eggs From Abortion

    Making Orphans: Harvesting Eggs From Abortion

    Scientists often believe that if something can be done it should be done. But that's not always true.

  • Why No One Hears Arguments for Marriage

    If you have the impression that most arguments for traditional marriage fall on deaf ears, you may be right. This is true even when we're careful to avoid biblical or theological language in our arguments. But make them anyway.

  • Grace AND Truth: Maundy Thursday & the Marriage Battle

    Grace AND Truth: Maundy Thursday & the Marriage Battle

    I keep hearing that if we stand for truth, we risk alienating people from the Gospel. But we don't need to choose between truth and love.

  • American Girl Dolls: Divorce and the Legacy of the '70s

    American Girl Dolls: Divorce and the Legacy of the '70s

    American Girl dolls teach history and tell stories at the same time. But Julie from the '70s hits too close to home.