John Stonestreet

John Stonestreet

Op-ed contributor

John Stonestreet is the President of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and co-host with Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program founded by the late Chuck Colson. He is co-author of A Practical Guide to CultureA Student's Guide to Culture and Restoring All Things.


  • When Courts Bring Christians to Ruin

    When Courts Bring Christians to Ruin

    The state of Oregon told a pair of bakers to make the cake or eat a ruinous fine. And sadly, a federal court agreed.

  • Has the World Gone Nuts? Christianity and Civility

    Has the World Gone Nuts? Christianity and Civility

    One great way to worsen our already gaping political divisions is to engage in what Internet chatroom denizens call "nutpicking." That is, the deliberate search for the "nuts" on either side of the political aisle to use as unflattering representations of opponents.

  • Monumental Wins for Christians Early in 2018

    Monumental Wins for Christians Early in 2018

    A study by Students for Life of America found that just 17% of millennials support anything-goes abortion. An incredible 84%o want to restrict abortion to the first three months of pregnancy or less!

  • How 'Stele' Proved the Historicity of the House of David

    How 'Stele' Proved the Historicity of the House of David

    In 1994, an inscribed stone known as a "stele," was found. Dating from the ninth century before Christ, it refers to the "House of David."

  • The True Cost of Gay Marriage

    The True Cost of Gay Marriage

    Remember back in, say, 2008 when we were told that gay marriage wouldn't affect those of us who objected to it? Well in 2018, it apparently does.

  • Judge Rules for Kelvin Cochran

    Judge Rules for Kelvin Cochran

    In a just and sane world Kelvin Cochran would not have had to endure what he has endured. But I\'m grateful for his courage and I pray that he\'ll receive some compensation for the wrong done to him.

  • Sure Hope or the Political Illusion?

    Sure Hope or the Political Illusion?

    And so I start 2018 as I did 2017, warning Christians to "beware of the political illusion." Reminding us—me included—to stay in the game but to place our hope where our hope belongs.

  • The Reliability of Scripture

    The Reliability of Scripture

    What do a Greek-speaking Egyptian rebel and an ancient king of the Nabateans have in common? They both point to the reliability of the Bible.

  • Advent: Jesus Is Coming, and This Time It\'s Different

    Advent: Jesus Is Coming, and This Time It\'s Different

    If you're wondering, "Wait, isn't this the Christmas season?" the answer is, well, "no." Of course, we wouldn't know that from watching television, where some networks have been running "Christmas" movies—none of which ever mention Jesus—since late October. We're in the season of Advent.

  • Scandals, Politics and Faith: In Whom Do We Trust?

    Scandals, Politics and Faith: In Whom Do We Trust?

    For Christians, selectively holding our political and prospective leaders to high moral standards reveals in us an unsettling lack of faith.