Joshua A. Goldberg

Christian Post Reporter


  • Black Church Leaders Gather for Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay Conference

    Black church leaders gathered at Howard University School of Divinity in Washington this week to discuss the future direction of the black church and what they said was the importance of advocating the causes of abortion rights and greater inclusion of homosexuals.

  • Christian Ministry Brings Life to Burma

    Christian Ministry Brings Life to Burma

    Two months after cyclone Nargis claimed over 90,000 lives and wrecked untold destruction across the Southeast Asian nation of Burma, Christian groups are continuing to rush to the scene with compassion and selfless acts of dedication and aid.

  • New Book to Focus on Freedom through Submission

    One of the world\'s most renowned evangelists and authors is emphasizing that the true path of the gospel of Jesus Christ is one characterized by submission and self denial.

  • Saudi Arabia to Host Major Interfaith Conference in Madrid

    Christians, Jews and Muslims will gather in Madrid later this month for what could be one of the highest profile interfaith meetings in recorded history.

  • Church Attendance Key to Marriage Success, Researcher Says

    Married couples who attend church services frequently are happier and more likely to succeed in their marriages than those who don\'t attend church often or not at all, according to a recent study.

  • Rice Praises Christian Groups in China Quake Response

    Rice Praises Christian Groups in China Quake Response

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice praised the self-sacrifice and relief efforts of Christian charitable organizations in China Sunday while surveying disaster struck areas throughout Sichuan province as part of a greater goodwill tour with Chinese officials.

  • Pro-Life Group Debunks Abortion Poll

    Pro-life advocates were given a sort of surprise two weeks ago after a major worldwide survey claimed that majorities in 17 out of the 18 countries polled \"reject using criminal penalties, such as fines and imprisonment, as a means to prevent abortion.\"

  • 'Christian Woodstock' Kicks Off, Expects Huge Crowd

    'Christian Woodstock' Kicks Off, Expects Huge Crowd

    The 30th Creation Festival, dubbed a ''Christian Woodstock,'' kicked off Wednesday with music, teaching and activities scheduled to jam pack the four-day event.

  • Pro-Gay International Resolution Draws Criticism

    A recent decision by the Organization of American States to pass a resolution that would make efforts to criminalize human rights violations on the basis of sexual orientation drew strong criticism from pro-family groups this week.

  • Record Fuel Prices Hurting Christian Charities

    Record Fuel Prices Hurting Christian Charities

    Record-breaking fuel prices that have peaked at unimaginable levels this summer have pushed Christian ministries and charity organizations to the brink as they struggle to make ends meet and continue in their worldwide operations to service the needy.