Joyce Meyer
Letting Go of the Dead Stuff in Your Life
Have you ever hired a professional to prune a tree in your yard? Well, Dave and I hire someone to do that for us and there are times when he cuts the branches back so far that I've said to him, "There is nothing left. You have totally destroyed our tree!" But he says, "You just watch and see." And sure enough, before long the tree is much better looking than it was before.
Wisdom and Encouragement for Stressed-Out Souls
It seems that so many people are constantly busy and overwhelmed with the activities of daily life. But it's not God's will for you to be frustrated. He doesn't want you to be stressed-out about everything that you're expected to do. So if you find yourself feeling pressured to get things done, I want to help you fix that.
Watch God Work in Your Life Continually
God wants us to continually make good choices for our lives. So He's given us the Bible – His Word – as an instruction book to live by. The thing is, once we know what it says, we're responsible to do what it says. There's never a time when it's all right to do the wrong thing.
Instead of Anger, Return Evil With Good
Have you ever noticed that being angry never makes anything better? I know because I used to have a quick temper. In fact, I was angry more than I wasn't.
Learning to Manage Anger and Walk in Peace
We have all experienced anger at some point in our lives, and it can be a real problem. Though it starts as a harmless feeling, it can quickly grow into something dangerous that's hard to control. But with God's help, we can learn how to deal with our feelings and walk in His peace
Learning to Love Like Jesus
I did it all wrong for years. And I was miserable! I'm talking about my attitude and my stinkin' thinkin' that was focused on the thought "What about me?!" And it came out in my behavior: If I didn't get my way all the time, I tried to control other people through my temper.
Struggling With Fear of Rejection? Understanding God Is on Your Side
Everyone struggles with insecurity and the fear of rejection to some degree. And there's nothing wrong with wanting people to like you. But when we are so focused on being people pleasers that our fear of being rejected, judged or criticized controls our choices, we're being controlled by the fear of man.
How to Overcome Fear From Satan
Fear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our life. Conquering it is not something that we do in one day, or even in 1,000 days. It is something that we conquer one day at a time with God's help.
Be Selfish or Happy – It's a Choice You Can Make
One of the greatest lessons I've learned is that you can't be both selfish and happy. I know this is true through my own personal experience, but more importantly, the Bible has some things to say about the attitude we should have about "self."
The Key to Having the Life You've Always Wanted
All of us have some sort of dream or vision – areas of our lives where, with God's help, we want to better ourselves or achieve more.