Kathleen Patterson

CP Guest Contributor


  • Dear Friend: Be the safe space

    Dear Friend: Be the safe space

    Believe them. When someone confides they are being abused, believe them!  It is incredibly rare for someone to alleged abuse unless they are truly being abused. 

  • Dear Abuser: You can heal

    Dear Abuser: You can heal

    Abuse can be physical, verbal, mental, emotional, financial, sexual and even spiritual. The verbal power we have is monumental — it is truly life or death we are speaking over others.

  • Dear Abused: You are seen, heard, and known

    Dear Abused: You are seen, heard, and known

    Begin to ally yourself with people who you can rely on their strength, their wisdom, and learn from their Godly perspective. Not everyone you confide in will be there for you, but you will find the one who is ‘at the ready’ to listen and help.

  • Dear Church: Some of your sheep are suffering

    Dear Church: Some of your sheep are suffering

    They hold on as long as they can and try to live out the teachings of the church, adhere to the scriptural mandates and honor their commitments. But literally, their lives are in danger! But where do they turn? Can they run to you? Are you a safe space? Will you hear them, believe them, help them?

  • Pro-Lifers: Supreme Court Protected Our Freedom, Let's Use It

    Pro-Lifers: Supreme Court Protected Our Freedom, Let's Use It

    Killing a child is legal — our nation has accepted this. And though the Supreme Court has given us this one instance of free speech, we need not get too confident — we need to be asking what is next. What might we be required to advertise, promote or sell? What will we not be able to say, express, or do?

  • A True March for Life: Every Baby Matters

    A True March for Life: Every Baby Matters

    My friend Roland Warren, CEO of Care Net said it best—that the premarital sex was the sin, not the baby.

  • What If You Share JESUS?

    What If You Share JESUS?

    I love to share about Jesus — but that is a new thing for me. Years ago I would never open my mouth, or ever attempt to share Jesus. I do not have a good reason why, I just never saw the need.

  • Extend Your Hand to the One Right in Front of You

    Extend Your Hand to the One Right in Front of You

    The recent racial events have caused such pain in my heart and mind the last few days. What I greatly fear, is that this pain will go away and I will lull back into normal, and that you will as well.

  • Reflecting Christ in Racism

    Reflecting Christ in Racism

    It's not your problem. It's not my problem. It's our problem. And we do have a problem here in America. A racial problem.

  • Sex, Nudity Everywhere. What About the Mysterious Wonder of the Human Body?

    Sex, Nudity Everywhere. What About the Mysterious Wonder of the Human Body?

    It seems that sex is on display everywhere we go, but do we have to display all our loveliness all the time, and to everyone?