Ken Blackwell and Bob Morrison

CP Op-Ed Contributors


  • So Why Is Hillary Clinton Not Taking Her Own Advice By Not Doing 'Stupid Things'

    So Why Is Hillary Clinton Not Taking Her Own Advice By Not Doing 'Stupid Things'

    "Great nations need organizing principles—and 'Don't do stupid stuff' is not an organizing principle." So said former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton in an interview with The Atlantic. So, why is she doing stupid things? The Washington Post called her "blunt" criticism of the Obama administration "surprising."

  • Hillary Clinton 'Shoulda Stood in Bed!'

    Hillary Clinton 'Shoulda Stood in Bed!'

    Hillary Clinton ran for president in '08 against the dovish Sen. Barack Obama. He is credited with the best putdown in the history of Democratic presidential debates. Without looking up from his notes during their New Hampshire encounter, the Senator from Cool said: "You're likeable enough, Hillary."

  • Crocodile Crock: Sir Elton John Attacks Christian Missions

    Crocodile Crock: Sir Elton John Attacks Christian Missions

    Sir Elton John is world famous and deservedly so. This billionaire singer is one of the most creative talents we have. But when he attacks Christian missionaries in Africa and other Third World regions, his message is off-key. Instead of Crocodile Rock, he's peddling a Crocodile Crock.

  • The FCC Pitchman

    The FCC Pitchman

    The Federal Communications Commission is looking to raise revenue – and the agency is in full pitch mode. The company is injecting itself as the middlemen between buyers (wireless carriers) and sellers (TV broadcasters) of spectrum, hoping to take a large commission check as a result.

  • Jim Crow and the Donkey: A True History the Left Loves to Ignore

    Jim Crow and the Donkey: A True History the Left Loves to Ignore

    MSNBC host Rachel Maddow's producer, Steve Benen, just took a whack at the American Civil Rights Union's new booklet, The Truth About Jim Crow, which National Review Online writer John Fund wrote about in a recent column.

  • In Israel's Desperate Hour, Obama Leads from Behind

    In Israel's Desperate Hour, Obama Leads from Behind

    "We have your back," President Obama told Israelis when he visited that embattled country recently. Way back, apparently. Mr. Obama's administration famously claimed to "lead from behind" in overthrowing Libya's strongman, Khaddafi.

  • Does the Constitution Contain Stem Cells?

    Does the Constitution Contain Stem Cells?

    Our esteemed Family Research Council (FRC) colleague, Dr. David Prentice has lectured around the world on the wonders of ethical stem cell research. Dr. Prentice has catalogued the more than seventy treatments that bring needed relief to more than 60,000 persons a year. The great thing about Adult Stem Cells is that they are most often taken from the patient's own body, thus overcoming the problem of rejection by the patient's immune system.

  • Beau Bergdahl's Duty; And Ours

    Beau Bergdahl's Duty; And Ours

    Beau Bergdahl has been returned to "active duty." Apparently, that means a desk job while the Army considers what should be done with this young enlisted soldier. The Taliban held Bergdahl for five years since walking away from his post one night in 2009.

  • The Blumenthal 'Kill Them Later and Later' Bill

    The Blumenthal 'Kill Them Later and Later' Bill

    Connecticut's liberal Sen. Richard Blumenthal wants no one to have to worry about aborting unborn children late in pregnancy, very late. He favors abortion at any time prior to birth. It's not clear yet whether he would vote to deny federal protection to newborns that survive an attempted abortion.

  • Israel Hits Gaza, Gaza Hits Israel? Shhh!

    Israel Hits Gaza, Gaza Hits Israel? Shhh!

    The late Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick saw all this coming. Her seminal article in the pages of Commentary Magazine in 1989—now twenty-five years old—was prophetic. "How the PLO was Legitimized" showed how Yasser Arafat's PLO ((Palestine Liberation Organization) used the tools of international diplomacy to "dumb down" international law on the targeting of civilians and the deliberate use of terrorism as a tactic for pushing one's way to power.